Example sentences of "[conj] have [adv] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The question of whether the state merely supported pre-existing market trends or has positively guided the market towards this end is a contentious one which will be addressed in Chapter 4 .
2 She sometimes wondered afterwards whether Brigadier Smithson appreciated or had even organised the situation .
3 Awareness of Thatcher and Kinnock was spread much more evenly throughout the electorate , and in so far as it did vary it was particularly high amongst those who had recently watched television news or had recently discussed the campaign ( Table 7.7 ) .
4 Whether you 're looking for your first flat or have finally found the castle of your dreams , The Royal Bank of Scotland has a range of mortgage schemes specially designed to meet your particular needs .
5 And conversely , if you find that you 're just not a dab hand at paint techniques , or have n't got the time to find out , there are now quite a few wallpapers available which reproduce the effects , but require not painting : just hang , and you have instant sponged , rag-rolled or marbled walls !
6 You can correct the errors in the specified input file using the editor $EDIT which can be accessed by pressing PF1/1 — the Breakout key ; the use of this key is fully described in Appendix A. When you leave the editor , LIFESPAN will display the Scan A Module page once again , exactly as it was before regardless of whether you have or have not corrected the error .
7 Nearly all the 65 contributors work in the United Kingdom , a bias that has slightly influenced the selection of topics and viewpoints .
8 Their debacle against Essex , when the last eight wickets went down in the final 20 overs to Mark Ilott and John Childs , reflected a temperamental flaw that has repeatedly dogged the county .
9 Serbia , the only republic that has not signed the EC plan , has not said if it will accept .
10 I 've yet to come across a school anywhere in the country that has n't welcomed the opportunity to play host to a pair of teachers .
11 Obviously , if your document uses Monotype 's Times New Roman then there 's no earthly point in sending it to a bureau that has n't got the face .
12 Equally controversial has been the recently-introduced Employment Contracts Act that has drastically undercut the powers of the trade unions — to the extent that New Zealand may now be in breach of International Labour Organisation provisions .
13 But no-one in Tokyo dares say with any confidence it spells the end of a collapse that has nearly halved the value of Japanese shares since 1989 .
14 The marketing agents , Telemundi , have found themselves with the unenviable task of selling an event that has yet to capture the imagination of public and sponsors in a soccer-mad-country at a time when all media resources are concentrated on the approaching Olympic Games .
15 They are part of a three-year programme that has already seen the opening of six new nurseries with a further eight expected to open later this year .
16 This process is particularly interesting because it involves two types of irreversible physicochemical changes ( problems in a general subject area that has recently seen the award of the Nobel Prize for physics to Pierre-Gilles de Gennes ) .
17 The hand of fate that has recently dealt the Brandywell club some crushing blows seems intent on turning the screw further .
18 Scotland 's 1954 World Cup team will go down in history as one of the most disastrous and ill-prepared rabble that has ever represented the country abroad .
19 In the widely read book Human Aggression , the psychoanalyst Anthony Storr draws our attention to the ‘ sombre fact that we are the cruellest and most ruthless species that has ever walked the earth ’ ( 1968 : i ) .
20 Such ambiguities only add to the difficulties of a plan that has still to win the approval of the Bosnian Serbs .
21 There 's so much good stuff that has never seen the light of day .
22 I come from a military family , that is to say a family that has always followed the drum , and probably had to carry it too .
23 The transition was then less abrupt than has since become the habit .
24 Corelli 's slow movements are noble pieces and they have a gravity which is served well by a large group of instruments favouring a notably slower tempo than has recently become the fashion .
25 All their Lordships need to say is that having carefully considered the arguments advanced , in the manner indicated by Griffiths L.J. , they can see no ground upon which Barnett J. would have been justified in taking the decision-making power out of the hands of the district judge , and substituting a decision of his own .
26 Whatever the outcome it seems absurd that having supposedly wiped the poll tax off the political agenda , ministers are still saddled with it , Darlington council is still saddled with imposing it and , worst of all , ordinary people are still saddled with paying it .
27 ‘ Them stuck in there , all they can see is bars , an' us saying ‘ Look at them , are n't they sweet ’ , and them with legs that can run a hundred miles and skin made for boiling heat standing there in cages in rain and snow and hailstorms and having babies that 've never seen the bush and the jungle and the step — ’
28 After the president 's office had released his controversial decree without any reference to a ‘ special order ’ of rule — the provision that had most alarmed the legislature — observers said it was not clear whether he had revised the decree to meet the demands of the Constitutional Court and parliament or had exaggerated its harshness in his weekend speech .
29 They were mostly things that had already reached the west .
30 Mr Martin warned the jury to beware of having their judgement swayed by the unprecedented publicity that had already surrounded the case at local and national levels .
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