Example sentences of "[conj] have [pron] [noun pl] in the " in BNC.

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1 In the case of suburban-type housing , the view of domestic life it ultimately reflects is a strongly traditional one that has its origins in the early development of industrial capitalism and the ensuing ideological split between ‘ public ’ and ‘ private ’ life developed by the Victorian bourgeoisie .
2 It was a mighty effort to expand and complete a process of reform that had its roots in the New Deal .
3 The affiliated Hanbury bank in London merged in 1864 with another London bank of Quaker origins , Barnett , Hoare & Co. ; the new Barnetts , Hoares , Hanburys & Lloyd merged in turn with the main Lloyd bank of Birmingham in 1884 , bringing under one corporate roof connections that had their origins in the marriages more than a century before of the children of Sampson Lloyd II .
4 Envy is one of the strongest antidotes to love and has its roots in the innate and primitive anger and anxiety of infancy .
5 The Community Mothers Programme was initiated by the Eastern Health Board ( EHB ) Republic of Ireland , in 1983 and had its origins in the Early Childhood Development project 1980–1983 .
6 This school had a different institutional framework based on applied research supported by agricultural stations , and had its roots in the European tradition of plant geography .
7 The inspector drew attention to the absence of dayrooms for the ambulant chronic sick , who sat around and had their meals in the wards , where ‘ there were very few wooden armchairs ’ .
8 They do not spring from a vacuum or according to some arbitrary whim of the people and legislators , but have their origins in the human need to control and order existence .
9 Marx 's contribution is to see ideology as having its origins in the social relations characteristic of the mode of production and not the result of prejudice in the individual .
10 Archaeology is usually regarded as having its beginnings in the mid 16th century with the work of topographers such as John Leland ( 1506–1552 ) who was employed by Henry VIII as ‘ Keeper of King 's Libraries ’ and so travelled extensively .
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