Example sentences of "[conj] have [verb] [adv] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Contemporary changes therefore need to be placed in the context of a continuous process of change in English rural society that has affected both the character and the structure of English villages throughout their history .
2 If we stand back and consider the structure which has resulted from the combination of primary rules of obligation with the secondary rules of recognition , change and adjudication , it is plain that we have here not only the heart of a legal system , but a most powerful tool for the analysis of much that has puzzled both the jurist and the political theorist …
3 The PLO , of course , saw its often murderous operations as a sacred duty ; they were fighting the occupying power that had taken away the land of the Palestinians .
4 She had almost touched it as she had turned , and had seen again the blood on the sawdust and the fear and the faces staring .
5 Before the Court of Appeal submissions were made on the company 's behalf that the Crown Court had failed to take into account the lack of gravity of the offences and had over-emphasised both the company 's ability to pay a substantial fine and the possibility of an accident occurring .
6 This was the first she had heard of it , for while Constance was away she had not felt able to accommodate the horrors revealed in the local rag and had read only the advertisements and the page called ‘ Eating Out ’ .
7 Just as these explanations had concentrated on the inadequacy of working-class culture and had put forward the notion of compensatory education , so the tendency of feminists was to explain girls ' failure in terms of the deficiencies of their socialization .
8 In the first place it is associated , as I have noted , with a general movement towards greater equality , and is contested by those social theorists of the New Right ( King , 1987 ) who , in recent years , have criticized what they refer to as a ‘ dependency culture ’ , and have urged instead the creation or restoration of an ‘ enterprise culture ’ of a more individualistic kind , in which the role of the state and other public authorities in providing welfare services would be radically diminished .
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