Example sentences of "[conj] have [be] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Company Securities ( Insider Dealing Act 1985 ) provides that a person ( ‘ the buyer ’ ) who knowingly obtains information , directly or indirectly , from an individual ( ‘ the insider ’ ) who is or has been during the preceding six months ‘ knowingly connected ’ with the company commits a criminal offence if the buyer deals on a recognised Stock Exchange in securities of that company when the buyer : —
2 We learned that there were still , or had been in the late 1950s , a fair number of working schooners in Nova Scotia .
3 This is a parish in the counties of Argyll , Inverness-shire , Ross and Cromarty , Sutherland , Caithness and the northern islands where there was in 1886 , or had been in the previous 80 years , holdings of arable land with rights of common pasture .
4 Simply expressed , the accountability , or responsibility , of single-party government to the people a responsibility that has been of the very essence of our system of parliamentary democracy-would be rendered less likely with proportional representation .
5 Now remember I am the leader of a party that has been in the front line against his violence for twenty years , and have been at many risks , as have been members of my party , but when I say that that dialogue is the best hope they 've seen for peace for twenty years .
6 The dunes that had been on the left were replaced by a sandstone ridge and the sand on that side of the road was now black .
7 One crucial element in this was the resumption of centre stage by a type of music that had been in the dominant culture throughout Punk rock — black disco music .
8 It had been the Jews , together with Prussian militarism , that had been behind the Russian Revolution .
9 For it was the procedures and practices that have been at the very core of racing tradition for generations that were on trial here , and there was little realistic chance that they should have been found wanting .
10 Stolen Glances features pictures by ten lesbian photographers and has been at the council-funded Arts Centre for two weeks .
11 Gavin is also 1990 Junior British Champion in the under 45 kilo category , and has been in the top three of every competition he has ever entered .
12 All golf and gin and bridge and cars and the right accent and the right money and having been to the right school and hating the arts ( the theatre being a pantomime at Christmas and ‘ Hay Fever ’ by the Town Rep Picasso and Bartók dirty words unless you wanted to get a laugh ) .
13 All three came from the Midlands and had been at the sharp end of the business as salesmen for distribution companies .
14 Every night was a milestone , and had been for the past fifteen years .
15 Spectators are there in thousands and have been since the previous day , before the roads were closed for the Tour 's progress .
16 ‘ Considerable amounts are being spent on replacing them with better services , and have been for the past few years .
17 This victory is a fillip for Mrs Bandaranaike , who became the world 's first woman prime minister in 1960 , but has been in the political wilderness in recent years .
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