Example sentences of "[conj] be [verb] into the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And to argue , as some theorists have done , that the class has dissolved or been integrated into the bourgeoisie would be to abandon the hope of a proletarian revolution heralding the end of capitalism .
2 From this we can see that the only pieces that can be affected by the commutator [ F , R ] are those which are in the overlap or are moved into the overlap by F or R .
3 At present the ice sheet is believed to be replenished by snow fall at about the same rate as ice melts or is lost into the sea .
4 The contradictions that are built into the term ‘ inner city ’ have to be seen not as the root of analytical uncertainty but as the source of rhetorical utility .
5 This is where management has total confidence in the assumptions and values that are built into the information system .
6 but it 's not television , i i it 's , it 's Doctor Who and , and Prisoner and , you know er very interesting and very easy for enthusiasts to direct a lot of their time and energy to maybe I do n't maybe there was a increased pressure to work and study which was erm self motivated rather than being externally imposed , maybe he maybe there was a fundamental lack of enthusiasm in him for what is described as the hardware of computing , the , the , the , the , the instruments , the machines maybe there was a less than comprehensive understanding of what is known as the firmware , that 's to say I mean operating systems that are built into the thing to make it work , you 've got to understand the firmware because otherwise you do n't understand what the machine will think you mean and what that will do and I would have thought that whereas superficially you can ignore the firmware , it 's all in there , it understands as you , I would have thought , grew into a er a graduate computer scientist you 've got to have some idea about that .
7 However , according to locals , there is actually more of a risk from the conventional pollutants that are pumped into the sea than from the power station , and this stopped people swimming in it .
8 Does he further appreciate that , throughout Ayrshire , people recognise that any additional assets that are poured into the South Ayrshire hospitals to make them work will be at the expense of the national health service in the rest of Ayrshire ?
9 As the Select Committee of 1930 pointed out in their Report , ‘ the evidence before the court is restricted to what is directly relative to the proof of the charge and excludes many weighty considerations that are thrown into the balance when the Home Secretary is advising on the Prerogative of Mercy ’ .
10 Thin overcrowded new shoots and any that are growing into the centre of plants .
11 In general , variables that are brought into the picture and controlled are called test factors .
12 Inward migrants will include people who come into the district in order to do the jobs that are provided and there are many examples of employers coming to the town and bringing their own people into the town to do the jobs that are brought into the town .
13 However the seemingly irreconcilable interests ( eg. professional versus lay ) that are brought into the forum for debate , require that criteria be established for judging the adequacy of accounting procedures in given contexts .
14 The idea here is similar to that used by Tanberg many years before , namely to fill a beaker with water and pass an electric current through it by connecting a battery to two terminals that are dipped into the liquid .
15 The knowledge obtained from solutions that are put into the eye for other purposes is considerably valuable .
16 The church has other features too that come from the Moorish Spain of the Middle Ages : above all , the queer openwork stone screens that are set into the window embrasures , hewn crudely but winningly into geometric patterns .
17 Lynchets are strips of land one oxen-width wide that were ploughed into the hillside by Anglo-Saxon farmers .
18 All your behaviour , with the exception of those reflexes that were built into the system , has been acquired over a long period of ad hoc learning .
19 So if y there would be the cognitive demon which was the letter A and what would happen is , it would start looking at the features that were coming into the system and it would say , are they the ones associated with A ?
20 She was deeper than the house , level with worms , all the dead things that were put into the ground .
21 With no soil fauna , organic material tends to lie on the surface rather than being incorporated into the sand .
22 A special protocol allowed the UK to " opt out " of stage three rather than being locked into the process at this stage .
23 A thesaurus module that is integrated into the software used for database creation , maintenance and searching is particularly valuable .
24 This state of the art evaluation technique uses a 1 ″ tool that is run into the well .
25 And the long-term reason for under-saving is not the after-shock of financial deregulation ( a temporary worry ) but the anti-saving bias that is built into the tax system .
26 We recognise that a time record is a poor indicator of quality but , in combination with the necessary confirmatory certificates and the detailed examination of standards that is built into the training office appraisal process , the Institute has a monitoring system of which — given that it depends almost entirely on voluntary effort — it can be justifiably proud .
27 In the Collembola , Diplura and Protura the mandibles are protrusible , rotatory structures enclosed with the maxillae in a gnathal pouch that is sunk into the head .
28 For everything that is dropped into the tin cup , people have to feel that they get something back .
29 Given the ecumenical spirit which has prevailed in many school religious assemblies for a number of years , it was hardly surprising that serious objection would be taken to the emphasis on Christian traditions that was incorporated into the law on collective worship .
30 The value of the new benefit was significantly enhanced by an additional £1.5 billion of revenue that was pumped into the scheme at the time .
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