Example sentences of "[conj] be [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Supervisors with Scottish research interests may have moved elsewhere ; the purposes of the research may have changed within universities ; Research Council funding for such research may have changed or been re-distributed to other universities .
2 Vogue wheels should not be fitted to earlier Range Rovers unless the wheel studs are marked with a line on the end or are replaced with new ones .
3 Social deixis concerns " that aspect of sentences which reflect or establish or are determined by certain realities of the social situation in which the speech act occurs " ( Fillmore , 1975 : 76 ) .
4 Where such resources are controlled at the top or are determined by national agreements , as with much of public sector salaries , then the power of middle management will diminish .
5 These form a layer at or near the surface or are incorporated into inner layers of the cuticle .
6 Any small amounts of matter leaking from the black holes will gather together to form new stars , but those stars will themselves evolve until they either become black holes or are subsumed into black holes .
7 Whether this is a common occurence and whether the larvae migrate or are transported by terrestrial populations of earthworms or beetles is not definitely known , but the occurrence of this apparent reservoir of larvae in soil may be important in relation to certain systems of control based on grazing management .
8 I am simply denying that God ( whatever we may mean by God ) could be of such a kind that God could intervene in human history , or be revealed through particular events in history , or through a particular person , in a way in which God is not potentially present to us in and through all acts and persons .
9 Dissolved material may subsequently be reprecipitated or be reincorporated into other minerals , but the great proportion is carried by rivers to the ocean .
10 On the one hand , public decisions may be delegated , in effect , to private bodies or be made through informal processes which exclude Parliament and the public generally .
11 As might be expected when the large area in which Gaelic was widespread is considered , plant names may differ from place to place or be recorded in variant forms , and the choice ( in most cases ) of one name only in the Flora was extremely difficult .
12 Slum dwellers would filter through into better stock , or be rehoused by local authorities in new estates .
13 A generation ago in the South , blacks could not even go to white lavatories or be buried in white cemeteries — let alone compete for good jobs or live in white suburbs .
14 But England held the whip hand : it was a matter of amalgamate or be crippled by economic measures .
15 The unit can receive calls , transmit faxes or be used by personal computers to tap into remote data banks — all for $5.50 a minute .
16 It has been calculated by scientists that , for every tree felled in the rainforests , ten others will die or be wounded by knock-on effects .
17 The major national breweries themselves began to either acquire or be acquired by non-brewing companies so as to form larger conglomerates such as Allied-Lyons ( formed when Allied Breweries took over the catering group J. Lyons in 1978 ) , Grand Metropolitan ( formed when Grand Met Hotels took over Truman Hanbury and Buxton in 1971 and Watney Mann in 1972 ) and Imperial ( formed when Imperial Tobacco acquired Courage Breweries in 1972 ) .
18 Whether Highland should remain as a single-tier region or be divided into smaller units is likely to be one of the most difficult decisions Mr Lang faces as he reaches an advanced stage of drawing up his plans for local government reform .
19 The tawny owl does not usually produce large concentrations of pellets because of its habit of using different trees each day for roosting , and so all of these samples are either from scattered locations or were collected over considerable periods of time .
20 In addition , when cattle got lost , or were eaten by wild animals , their owners sometimes assumed that they had been stolen and instituted a prosecution against known cattle thieves .
21 At first , this largely involved the search for loop-holes in central government legislation : if , for example , the rules suggested that future grant depended on spending in a particular year , then it was possible with little difficulty to prepare the accounts to show that spending had been higher or lower that year ( whichever was the required answer ) , More important , perhaps , as time went on , it become common for councils and their treasurers to seek new sources of funding which were not covered by the rules or were covered by different rules .
22 Certain semi-conductors came from the factories at Corbeil-Essonnes in France , from Sindelfingen in Germany , or were bought from external suppliers .
23 or were humiliated by lowish scores .
24 He wrote that there were well-to-do and respectable men in each district who either planned or were informed of all cattle stealing in their localities .
25 Those who do leave are having problems finding employers who will take them on , or being accepted by new colleagues .
26 Birmingham has a scheme called Passport to Leisure , which is also in operation or being planned in other areas , including Norwich and Gloucester .
27 Or being chased by Red Indians .
28 While the rest of the nation was sleeping through old films on television or being towed across wintry landscapes by wheezing terriers , Mr MacGregor was spending much of his holiday deep in thought , pondering the modernisation of the Commons .
29 In my diary I recognised it almost from the beginning , probably because I made no connection between it and non-eating , but seemed to have ascribed it to being overworked academically or being hounded into sporting activities which I resented for their profound pointlessness .
30 We are unsure whether the behaviour is truly co-operative , or is organised by certain individuals in the school , but the whistles and considerable vocal activity which often occur among members of feeding groups are undoubtedly communication signals .
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