Example sentences of "[conj] in [num] [noun] [unc] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I do not want to know what she intends doing in a year 's time or in 10 years ' time , because she will not be in government then .
2 Follow your own energy , and do whatever attracts you — bearing in mind that an exercise might be helpful next week , or in six months ' time , rather than now .
3 And his adviser said well Mr President you did say we should get rid of the missiles in Turkey but you did n't say when you know , you did n't say by Tuesday morning at ten o'clock or by next week or in three months ' time , you just said withdraw the missiles from Turkey .
4 But' — and he laughed — ‘ do n't forget that in five years ' time you will have changed again . ’
5 If he managed economically he hoped that in five years ' time , if the public continued to buy what he wrote , he would retrieve more than he lost .
6 Mr Damant predicts that in five years ' time , if the ASB pursues unfudgeability rather than ‘ correct accounting principles ’ , it will be faced with dissatisfaction because accounts will not show a true and fair view .
7 The 40 staff execute 3,500 trades a day on average , and Vine-Lott has set himself a target of more than doubling that in five years ' time , including a considerable proportion on behalf of other institutions , such as the Halifax Building Society , for whom it is already doing work , as well as other brokers and banks .
8 Because how does Philip know that in five years ' time , I 'm not going to ring him up and say , hey you know when you recommended me to invest my money in the Japanese fund , well it 's just gone through the bottom of the market .
9 Yet although the hardening of lines seems ominous in retrospect and the thin tie of Reinsurance could hardly have linked Russia and Germany for long , it could be argued that in 1888 Bismarck 's system was still successful .
10 I assure the Minister that in six months ' time , when he is in opposition , we will be kinder to him and much more open with information .
11 To a large extent we have to infer the nature of this earliest division from what we can learn of later arrangements ; in particular we are told by Gregory of Tours that in 561 Clovis 's grandsons took over the kingdoms of the previous generation ; thus , Charibert I ( 561 – 7 ) received the portion of Childebert I ( 511 – 58 ) , based on Paris ; Guntram ( 561 – 92 ) that of Chlodomer ( 511 – 24 ) , with its centre at Orléans ; Chilperic I ( 561 – 84 ) was given the kingdom of Soissons , once held by Chlothar I ( 511 – 61 ) ; while Sigibert I ( 561 – 75 ) inherited the realm of Theuderic I ( 511 – 34 ) and his descendants , Theudebert I ( 534 – 47 ) and Theudebald ( 547 – 55 ) , and established himself at Rheims .
12 It may be the case , as some transgenics junkies are claiming , that in 25 years ' time , all chickens on the market will be transgenic but this sounds uncannily similar , in its arrogant implausibility , to the famous Fifties claim that nuclear power would make electricity so cheap it could n't be metered .
13 Mr Faith adds : ‘ I 'm thinking ahead so that in 25 years ' time my daughter will say to her children ‘ Was n't grandad clever ?
14 It was estimated that in 1990 Japan 's drift net fishery was responsible for the deaths of 41,000,000 sea creatures other than those it was seeking to catch .
15 The effects of this move were that in 1990 Hungary 's trade with the European Communities ( EC ) was expected to exceed that with Hungary 's COMECON partners for the first time .
16 So it 's not Saturday , like in two days ' time ?
17 IBM has invested so much in the development of , and so much more in the marketing of , OS/2 2.0 that it has to plough on with it even if in 18 months ' time it becomes clear that it is becoming at best a respectable also-ran in the desktop stakes .
18 A ‘ baby boom ’ now could provide a large number of teachers in 20 years ' time ; but if in 15 years ' time , the birth rate were to be low , there would be insufficient children for these teachers to teach ( unless pupil/teacher ratios were to be changed ) .
19 I wonder if in ten years ' time Mr. Duggan will be looking back at videos of ‘ England 's glory years ’ and then be writing to RW&P to remind us of the lock forward who elbowed his opposite number from behind , perforating his eardrum , or the flankers who really do n't seem to mind where their feet or hands come into contact with their opponents .
20 So we 're watching that programme , Is this Your Last Cigarette ? or whatever it were called last Sunday on the telly and I thought I 'm stupid cos in six month 's time I shall say I could have packed up six months ago .
21 International availability of lines is increasingly widespread , and in two years ' time ISDN will become the standard business line offering from BT .
22 And in 1954 Eliot 's influence and authority were unparalleled .
23 So you could literally have a situation in which you could live say er er a woman could er live er you know a mile from the state line and in one state er abortion er could be something which ended up with a doctor in prison for life , in another state , across the state line , it could be something which was er you know er provided free of charge by the state public health authorities .
24 Hal B. Wallis , who hired me , was a very shrewd man who recognized that the studio system was over and in five years ' time it would no longer be there . ’
25 An Essay on Food Reform and in 1892 Animals ' Rights Considered in Relation to Social Progress ( reissued in 1900 , 1905 , and 1915 ) .
26 Rule by the Council of State was succeeded by Oliver Cromwell 's unsuccessful military dictatorship , and in 1660 Charles ' son returned to assume the throne as Charles II .
27 And in six weeks ' time , we will know if the cup will remain with San Diego YC , or go to Italy , New Zealand , France or , less likely , Japan .
28 Northampton 's campaign in Brittany also produced some notable successes : the expedition remained in the duchy for two years , and in 1347 Northampton 's lieutenant Sir Thomas Dagworth captured Charles of Blois at La Roche-Derrien .
29 He was joint editor of the English Historical Review , 1939–58 ; professor of history in the University of Edinburgh from 1945 till his resignation on health grounds in 1954 ; and in 1951–2 Ford 's lecturer in Oxford , delivering the lectures which became probably the most widely known of his books , King George III and the Politicians ( 1953 ) .
30 But the effort was renewed and in 1900 Plekhanov 's group , augmented by younger recruits , set up Iskra ( The Spark ) , an émigré journal designed as a rallying-point for like-minded Social Democrats .
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