Example sentences of "[conj] in [art] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A magistrates ' court may transfer private law proceedings where in the interests of the child they could be dealt with more appropriately in the county court ( APO , art 8 ) .
2 Such a spreading strategy is useful when the price of the middle contract is out of line with the prices of the near and far contracts , and the trader is not able to predict whether the adjustment will be primarily in the price of the middle contract , or in the prices of the near and far contracts .
3 It may , of course , happen that he deliberately holds himself out as a partner for his own private benefit and not in the course of his work or in the interests of the firm .
4 We did n't have time to play on the beach or in the streets with the other kids .
5 One of the most commonplace simplicities in the 1980s was that there were two alternative forms of industrial relations available to employers in Britain : one was based on employee involvement , flexible forms of work organisation , single-union deals or no union representation and the other persisted with multi-union representation , traditional forms of work organisation , strict workplace discipline and offered employees little opportunity for direct participation in their work or in the affairs of the enterprise .
6 or in the leg-feathers of the deafening macaws .
7 Even the half-mortals do n't know — they still think Undry 's lost , or in the hands of the dark powers .
8 He obviously thought her friends would either be dead , or in the hands of the Gestapo .
9 Of course , there was the continual ringing sound of the quarryman chipping away the stone at Tilly Whim or in the bowels of the earth under Cowleaze .
10 If anyone had been there , thought Dalgliesh , there was plenty of opportunity for concealment behind the hunks of concrete or in the crevices of the sandy cliff .
11 In brittle bone disease , collagen is abnormal in strength or in the links between the fibres .
12 As subsequently printed , the purpose of aid programmes in Southeast Asia was ‘ to demonstrate that the local national governments are able to bring benefits to their own people and thereby build political support , especially among the rural population ’ , or in the words of the Country Report prepared for the director of the Mutual Defense Assistance Program : ‘ to ensure the existence of governments … which represent the legitimate nationalist aspirations of those Indo-Chinese people who do not desire to see communist-orientated governments in Indo-China ’ .
13 In the modern period such stalemates could occur in the struggles of the bourgeoisie to break the grip of the feudal aristocracy under an ancien régime , or in the struggles of the proletariat in an industrial society to destroy capitalist control .
14 He could n't see him by the house or in the trees at the bottom of the big lawn .
15 Few prior to Jones had cared to admit this seditious point except in the columns of the Police Review , where disgruntled beat officers ( often anonymously ) indicate the paradox of being the revered and reviled base on which all the hierarchy is built .
16 There may still be a few people in Islay who will remember , no doubt with appreciation , the Coats libraries , a source of firstly recreation and secondly instruction , when books were scarce in the island except in the houses of the proprietors , and to a lesser degree , the doctor , the ministers and the schoolmasters , long before popular newspapers , radio and television were easily available ,
17 In any event , among adults the moral rigidities of hell and damnation were rapidly disappearing , except in the families of the Dissenting sects .
18 Fforde highlights a key difficulty for his argument by pointing out that in the debates about the issue which dominated Edwardian Conservatism — tariff reform — the Conservative Party developed a language which ‘ employed a great deal of anti- laissez faire rhetoric and espoused policies which involved state expansion ’ .
19 To begin with , it would appear that in the products of the unconscious — spontaneous ideas , phantasies , symptoms — the conceptions faeces ( money , gift ) , child and penis are seldom distinguished and are easily interchangeable .
20 She felt a rush of excitement and anticipation , and realised that in the preoccupations of the last half hour she had not thought of Giles Carnaby once — definitely a record .
21 It was contended that in the circumstances of the case the discretion should be exercised in Mr. Steed 's favour and the charges register rectified accordingly .
22 And thirdly we have to satisfy you that in the circumstances of the operation the police were justified in restraining Mr with handcuffs for the short period of time that he was restrained and in addition Mrs who you will remember was restrained in her lounge , she was told she could n't leave the lounge , again for a few minutes .
23 ‘ It is the considered opinion of the board of governors , ’ he said , ‘ that in the interests of the good name of the medical profession , and ’ — he gave a diplomatic cough — ‘ of St Andrew 's , it would be much easier for all concerned if you were to resign . ’
24 But , so far as I can judge of the matter , I should think that in the interests of the man himself — as a human being facing indefinite detention — it would be better for him to be told the reasons .
25 Lord Quinton could never have imagined that in the columns of the Library Association Record in 1990 someone would suggest , only half jokingly as we shall see , that the librarian 's motto should be ‘ When in Doubt , Chuck it Out ’ .
26 Agreed that in the proceedings on the Criminal Justice Bill the Government should advise Parliament that the present was not an opportune time for abolishing capital punishment ; and took note that the Home Secretary would define the Government 's attitude towards this question when moving the Second Reading of the Bill in the House of Commons ;
27 Earlier the court heard that in the days after the attack Nichol turned up for work with scratches on his face .
28 This Edouard knew : what he could not understand was that in the years since the end of the war Jean-Paul had made no attempt to restore the house .
29 But credit should be given where it is due , and it is clear that in the years before the report the Goldsmiths were considering — still in a vague way and mindful of the possibility of a Government Inquiry — how " a more liberal observance of the apparent intentions of the Founders ' might be effected .
30 There was so much untidy milling about , however , that in the confines of the tiny space they found it hard to organize themselves and eventually seemed to abandon the attempt .
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