Example sentences of "[conj] in [art] [adj] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 In 1857 he was promoted to locomotive superintendent of the northern division , covering all routes of the LNWR north of Rugby , at Crewe works where in the following year the first of almost 1,000 of his 0–6–0 type freight locomotives were built .
2 Hotman 's case is particularly interesting in that where in the first version the word populus was used , in the 1576 edition the term ordines , meaning orders or estates , was inserted to " clarify " the meaning , or , we might suspect , to reassure those alarmed by the dangerously democratic sound of the first version .
3 The provisions relating to abatement of the action on payment within five clear days of all arrears of rent and costs is not applicable where in the same action the lessor is claiming re-entry or forfeiture on a ground other than , or as well as for non-payment of rent .
4 The last stanza of ‘ Exequy ’ is a summing-up of the kind of rituals described by Frazer in Adonis Attis Osiris where in the declining year the representative of the year-spirit was put to death , often by burning .
5 This may take the form of requirements for reports , returns and information or the holding of enquiries , or in a few cases the issuing of directions , e.g. by the Secretary of State for Education to a local education authority .
6 1.30 In a serious personal injury case or in a fatal case the initial calculations of loss of earnings or dependency may be made very soon after the accident , based on wage rates provided by the employers at that time .
7 Except in a piecemeal way the EC budget does neither .
8 In Crohn 's disease the frequency of IgG anti-α antigen and anti-myeloperoxidase antibodies did not differ statistically from the control group , although in a few instances the antibody levels were surprisingly high .
9 Although in the normal course the maker of any written statement filed at court will be called to give oral testimony this may not always be the case .
10 Washing facilities are another priority , although in the early stages the patient might be washed in his room , as though he were in hospital .
11 In April 1932 RAPP was disbanded , and although in the Soviet Union the ensuing liberalising effect was only temporary , lasting until 1935–6 when rigid cultural controls were reintroduced under the watchful eye of Zhdanov , in France , by contrast , 1932 was to mark the beginning of a prolonged period not only of cultural liberalisation within the PCF but also of political co-operation between communists and fellow-travelling sympathisers .
12 In the same broadcast , Erman announced government proposals to cut armed forces numbers from an estimated 75,000 to 55,000 and to reduce the period of conscription from a year to six months , although in the current year the number of conscripts called up was expected to be doubled .
13 It is curious that although in the nineteenth century the historical picture was the most prestigious , and the anecdotal picture the most popular , it is the scientific illustration-birds , flowers , ships , steam-engines , and great buildings such as railway stations — which catch and hold our attention and admiration .
14 Changes in taste , coupled with a general decline in craft techniques , have meant that the use and range of chemical treatments has declined in this century , although in the Far East the beautiful patinated Shakudo alloys ( see p. 95 ) are still produced by the traditional chemical treatments .
15 There can be no doubt that this sort of help is most valuable for teachers , and where it can not be provided from a curriculum development project itself might in less ambitious form be offered from a teachers ' centre or from a schools library service , although in the latter case the advice on sub-themes and topics would necessarily be tentative rather than prescriptive .
16 Thus , natural justice has been held to be applicable to cases of disciplinary action within a university and to expulsion for failure in examinations , although in the latter case the examiners had based their decision on the personal attributes of the candidate as well as exam marks .
17 Although in the sixth century the Byzantine Emperor Justinian 's great generals Belisarius and Narses succeeded in reconquering much of the west , so that for a time the Mediterranean again became a Roman lake , in the following century Europe faced a dangerous new enemy .
18 One aspect of scientific style , however , is that in a passive sentence the person who acts is often not mentioned at all , to symbolise the scientific ideal that the procedures should be objective and repeatable , independent of the agent who carries them out .
19 Animals that are too aggressive , too daring , or too timid for their own good in terms of reproduction are gradually eliminated so that in a stable environment the median values tend to become the population norms .
20 True it is that in a simple case the investigation of a suspect 's criminality may well terminate at the moment of charging , but often this will not be so .
21 However , none of these pollutants is actually visible , so that in a residential area the types of air pollution that cause the greatest annoyance are the traffic fumes , smell and dust which penetrate houses , discolour exterior paintwork and make walking and cycling less pleasant .
22 But the assumption , doubtful in itself , that in a Co-operative Community the distinction would have had no meaning does not explain why , when in the real world of Rochdale in the 1850s the distinction became apparent to them the Pioneers chose to set up the production arm as a separate society .
23 So Norris suggests that in a Bottle-nosed dolphin the sonar clicks are produced just below the level of this blow-hole .
24 Again , it was the darkest ones that survived best , with the result that in a few generations the peppered moths living near the big industrial cities were nearly all black .
25 It needs to be stressed that in a thermal reactor the fuel is near to its most active state and there is no way in which the nuclear assembly can go supercritical and explode like a nuclear weapon ( Coggle , 1983 ) .
26 Having examined the practice in different common law jurisdictions , their Lordships consider that the principles endorsed by the Jamaican Court of Appeal , particularly with regard to inconsistent previous statements , represent what will normally be an acceptable way of achieving fairness to the accused and they take the opportunity of saying that in a civilised community the most suitable ways of achieving such fairness ( which should not be immutable and require to be reconsidered from time to time ) are best left to , and devised by , the legislature , the executive and the judiciary which serve that community and are familiar with its problems .
27 In the parliament of 1371 two Austin friars argued that in a national emergency the prince who has endowed the churches may resume their property for the good of the realm ; about this time Langland was enlarging in Piers Plowman upon Holy Poverty , as were so many friars in their sermons ; before the end of the reign Wyclif , spokesman for Gaunt , especially against his wealthy political enemy , Bishop Wykeham of Winchester , was denying the right of priests to hold any property .
28 Adam Smith and subsequent writers have shown that in a competitive economy the pursuit of self interest can lead to an outcome which society would view as efficient .
29 The projects were pitched at different levels , so that in the strictest sense the students were working in a parallel fashion .
30 There is no doubt that in the 19th century the courts did consider the adequacy of consideration in restraint of trade cases , but more recently in M & S Drapers v Reynolds [ 1957 ] 1 WLR 9 Hodson LJ said " … although the position of the employee has to be considered , the court will not inquire into the adequacy of the consideration or weigh the advantages accruing to the covenantor under the contract against the disadvantages imposed on him by the restraint " .
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