Example sentences of "[conj] keep [pron] [adv prt] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As once you have dealt with history , you have to put in place something that keeps it up to date , without too much labour and without erm , a major hole there where things fall into the middle cover and come out .
2 Nonesuch reverts to its old function , keeping the University as a whole together , telling graduates what is going on in their old alma mater , and keeping them up to date with what their contemporaries are doing .
3 The reason for storing data and keeping it up to date is to provide information to managers for decisions .
4 A good in-house person makes a list of issues likely to stir up trouble in the media or public sector , and keeps it up to date .
5 To maintain all income tax and national insurance records and keep them up to date .
6 Jamila butted in to add details and keep us up to date .
7 Zoe will continue to monitor the progress of both our psoriasis sufferers over the coming months and keep us up to date with how they 're doing .
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