Example sentences of "[conj] as [adj] [conj] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It can be as utilitarian as the rigid polyurethane foam commonly used in the reinforcement of GRP bodyshells , or as elegant as the aluminium or Nomex honeycombs employed in pukka aerospace sandwich materials ( as seen recently through holes in the wings of Tornado jets involved in the Gulf conflict ) .
2 Under the Local Government Act 1929 it was the positive duty of the local authority to recover the whole of the expenses ( or as much as the person could afford ) .
3 ok , this poem 's called erm A Pause In A Moment Worn out days dressed in damp wheat , heavy coat pulling at tired shoulders , memory pushed back , brought forward in the click of a stick , pause in a moment , sunset reflected in eyes offering the warmth of recognition , so that poem started with the overcoat and that was the mood as I say , that was the mood of rejection erm and there was something about the way the old girl was looking at the women on the bridge , almost as if there was this recognition and , as it brought back memories that perhaps went or as black as the overcoat , erm the next er painting which I 'm going to read to you about is erm have you
4 The hunger that made Charlie , Charlot , chew the boiled slices of boot , moustache toing and froing under his nose , I understood as well or as little as the hunger of the grown-ups around me , my mother eating the woodworms along with the oats and the silence as everybody stopped to watch her .
5 Business plans can be as simple or as complicated as the designer wishes , but their prime function is to set well-defined goals and to identify the resources in terms of time , finance , accommodation , equipment , personnel and training that will be required to meet the objectives .
6 At the same time it can exploit the low thermal conductivity of the air ; i.e. the way the temperature of the air itself is neither as hot nor as cool as the land surface .
7 Er , my Lord I have to say that as far as the expert evidence from the accountant is concerned it is only Mr who has er offered an opinion , expressed an opinion upon that issue .
8 She was short , and as dark-skinned as the boatman , which was darker than most of the Bahamians .
9 He had played classical music on the stereo , which Boy had assured him he liked , and it was true ; Boy had never heard music like this before and he thought it was wonderful , a sound as big , and as warm , and as expensive as the car ; a sound as exciting as the sensation of being driven through the night by a stranger .
10 Ye 're my young brother 's bairn and as innocent as the lamb of God . ’
11 Theory-crammed history of artificial and military intelligence which suggests that the ‘ cybernetic organism ’ is as ancient as the Greeks and as modern as the Tomohawk missile .
12 In a spectacle as lurid and as colourful as the opening ceremony two weeks ago the city and the people handed the Olympic flag over to Atlanta , USA and 1996 .
13 New sayings are on everyone 's lips for a few years and then for no reason they disappear , becoming as dead and as dated as the dodo .
14 He was a Cancer , ever-changing , unpredictable , as bright and as mysterious as the moon .
15 I was as helpless and as degraded as the pig on the bench at the top of our garden nearly thirty years ago .
16 She clung to him , and his mouth found hers , and she tasted as fresh and as new as the morning , and desire had exploded within him , and he thought that after all he had been wrong : once would never be sufficient , he wanted her for always , he wanted to be with her , to share everything with her .
17 This was Enkidu , the " natural man " , reared with wild animals , and as swift as the gazelle .
18 As she looked up into his face Lisa was aware of eyes as black as ebony and as cold as the sea bed .
19 France had no need of prudence , only of audacity and victor and of the small dark-haired man who knew how to make glory bright as the sun and as sweet as the violet .
20 But if anyone could relax her , it was Miguelito , if in real life he was as tender , as passionate and as exciting as the music he made .
21 Adapted by poet Grace Nichols , this production transposes the setting from pre- ‘ Fascist ’ Spain to pre-revolutionary Cuba , where the essence of the original shines through , as intense and as vibrant as the heat and colours of the ‘ land of sun and shadow ’ .
22 This entirely new production , due to go on to the Royal National Theatre in London , remains true to the essence of Lorca 's play , and as vibrant as the heat and colours of ‘ the land of sun and shadow ’ .
23 Looking at him as he stared into the night , she felt a surge of affection as pure and as uncomplicated as the flow of cold air against her face .
24 ‘ As white and as whole as the skin of a baby ! ’
25 And as gold as the Word is
26 A sweet , deep pain closed about his manhood , and it was then that desire rocketed out of control , and he felt himself become as hard and as high as the beech trees that stood sentinel to Tara 's western avenue …
27 And as important as the invention of teeth was , reproduction out of water via the amniote egg was an even more eventful turning point , and in more ways than one .
28 As I turned this thought over in my mind it became as sparkling and as beautiful as the morning itself .
29 She regarded it as an unofficial library , as remote and as Municipal as the library itself And then , one Saturday morning , she went into it with Walter Ash , to look at ( not to buy ) the text of Anouilh 's Ring Round the Moon , which was being currently performed at the local rep .
30 I had a slow-growing tumour in the lung and it would take time to reach obnoxious proportions , but as sure as the moon will rise and set and the tides with it , so my tumour would go on grinding away until …
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