Example sentences of "[conj] seem [to-vb] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Despite the mood of despondency that seemed to shroud the whole idea of European unity in the mid-1950s , there was nevertheless a wide array of cooperative bodies in which the European democracies were involved to a greater or lesser extent .
2 It was MGM that seemed to take the whole business most seriously .
3 He was standing in the doorway , his lean frame clad in a loose-fitting tawny-coloured suit that seemed to emphasise the taut muscle that lay beneath it .
4 Below the streets were alive with people , all of them bathed in the neon glow that seemed to fill the very air itself with multi-coloured energy .
5 Instead of her more bellicose approach , the somewhat more neutralist stance of the West Germans loomed larger in NATO , and indeed it was Bonn rather than London that seemed to have the closer relationship with Washington in 1989 .
6 It was inevitable that the actor that seemed to epitomise the new Hollywood of the late sixties should work with one of the most fashionable filmmakers attuned to young audiences .
7 Narcotic drugs were introduced into Colombia by foreigners , and its illegal trafficking is sustained by an ever-increasing demand in developed countries that seem to lack the political will to combat abuse .
8 His body expands with his height and his head overhangs his feet in a manner that seems to deny the natural laws of equilibrium .
9 All I knew about Waugh was that he was the son of the famous Evelyn , and has a reputation for the sort of scathing wit that seems to epitomise the self-appointed arbiters of literary , and more generally , artistic taste and standards .
10 Darwin is thus treated as a major figure in the history of science because he both popularized the general theory of evolution and discovered the mechanism that seems to offer the best prospect of explaining how the process works .
11 As we pored over his crippled handwriting I felt a steady heat coming from his body like an aura which slowly enveloped me and seemed to penetrate the very marrow of my bones .
12 This architecture was adopted because it was simple to build , fitted the theoretical preconceptions of early computer scientists , and seemed to offer the greatest reliability .
13 Other Jewish families living in the warren of neighbouring streets where the rows of cramped houses confronted their twins at almost arm-stretching distance had no such suggestion of exclusiveness and seemed to encourage the natural ebullience of their inhabitants as well as confirming their more straitened circumstances .
14 The images in its head were confusing and seemed to hasten the dying feeling inside .
15 However , Kenneth Clark , who replied for the government , was not encouraging and seemed to accept the pessimistic view of Neville Trotter , Conservative MP for Tyne mouth , who blamed all the problems on Korean labour costs which were only 20% of those in the UK .
16 ‘ It was an amazing first set and winning it gave me a big boost and seemed to have the opposite effect on David , ’ said Corsie later .
17 These concentrations always present a clear decrease however and seem to contradict the apparent lack of a mutant phenotype .
18 Recently-hatched dogwhelks ( plate 1b ) are found at the same level as their capsules and seem to prefer the empty cases of barnacles to the shells of living or dead mussels .
19 He selects ‘ sons ’ — Gray was one such — and seems to seek the psychological satisfactions of their gratitude and deference .
20 To Nikon 's opponents , however , the changes not only smacked of foreign heresy but seemed to threaten the whole meaning of the liturgy , to break the link between the service and the faith .
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