Example sentences of "[conj] must [be] [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is the registration that must be obtained by fraud .
2 Figure 2 b shows the crystal size that must be exceeded for crystals to escape from the thermal boundary layer for a magma with viscosity of 30Pas , this being typical for basalt .
3 As you are probably aware , there are several hurdles that must be overcome in order to successfully enter the UK job market .
4 Here in Mixed Life , a text that must be seen in relation to Scale 1 and Scale 2 , Hilton adumbrates the same progress in chapter fourteen : Following Augustinian theology , he locates the very essence of Christian life in the continual sustained desire for God — the only way in this life to perceive the nature of the love which joins God and man 's soul .
5 They feed from steel bowls that must be filled by dipping .
6 Finally , for Schopenhauer Greek tragedy has a significance that must be comprehended in terms of his particular brand of pessimism : it provides a powerful demonstration of the vanity of all desires of the " will " , its foolish stubbornness , and the unworthiness of all its goals .
7 This dulled incentive to enhance productivity is a cost of integration that must be borne in mind when amalgamation is contemplated .
8 One point that must be borne in mind is that such maps can not be produced using Landsat MSS or TM data alone .
9 A distinction that must be borne in mind is that between the Court Baron ( which registered the transfers of copyhold lands ) and the Court Leet ( which saw to such practical matters as scouring ditches , mending hedges , muzzling dogs , etc . ) .
10 We have probably often been guilty of viewing censorship as something that must be imposed from time to time .
11 There are some practical considerations that must be faced in terms of support for visually handicapped pupils who are being educated in resource situations .
12 Information on dangerous ‘ new ’ substances from ELINCS and occupational exposure levels that must be observed under COSHH are also given .
13 To suggest , for example , that adult maturity is built on a foundation of ‘ basic trust ’ that must be established in infancy ( as Erik Erikson did ) is to put forward an interesting idea which is , in practice , extraordinarily difficult to substantiate .
14 There are many factors that must be taken into account , and it is often the use of different survey methodology that can cause politicians and others to disagree over particular surveys that claim to show growing poverty or increased prosperity .
15 Another factor that must be taken into account is that our Sun is not motionless in space ; instead , it travels around the centre of the Galaxy once every 220 million years or so .
16 As the pattern of career advancement becomes clearer and the expectations of the established senior staff are communicated , these expectations become pressures that must be taken into account
17 They are present in varying degrees throughout the period of this book ; the degree of their influence , their role in the construction of social consensus or in unifying disparate social forces is another factor that must be taken into account .
18 Just as every new policy enters an arena already full of other policies , so every time interrelations imply agency interrelations there is a whole history of relationships that must be taken into account .
19 This chapter reviews the considerations that must be taken into account when selecting a parser for a specific task .
20 There are a number of practical considerations that must be taken into account in the selection of a parser .
21 4.33 Similarly , when lost earnings have meant that on return to work the plaintiff is free of tax for a period , having fallen below the level of earnings on which tax is payable , the tax that he has escaped during that period is a compensatory gain that must be taken into account in the assessment of his lost earnings ( Brayson v Wilmot-Breedon [ 1976 ] CLY 682 ) .
22 It is the moral law which governs interpersonal relationships that must be reflected in statute law , suggesting a field of public morality which is the preserve of the state and a field of private morality which is not .
23 This is because they generate excessive amounts of data and information that must be interpreted by specialists .
24 The battle between the Prime Minister , the split indeed between the Prime Minister and the Chancellor which is a re-run of the appalling split between her and Nigel Lawson which is the origins of our present problem , is something that must be brought under control .
25 Packets ( both Letter and Small Packet services ) are liable to Customs examination and must be declared to Customs authorities on special forms .
26 He was dying , and must be saved from hell .
27 However , except where the precise means and circumstances in which a story was transmitted are known , the results of tradition criticism are open to question and must be treated with caution .
28 However , such statistics are descriptive , nor predictive , and must be treated with caution .
29 Melikoff warns that " this tradition [ i. e. that advanced by Husameddin ] derives from an unreliable source and must be treated with reserve " ; and it is certainly true that much of what Husameddin writes is unsupported by any quoted source .
30 It has application to all areas of the curriculum , and must be borne in mind by curriculum designers .
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