Example sentences of "[conj] even [prep] a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In other cases the plotter hardware is physically located some distance from the user ; for example , the user may be in a different building or even at a subsidiary office in another town .
2 The next time you are in a meeting , or even on a crowded train or at a social gathering watch what people do .
3 So mindless is the wiring of this sensible hygienic behaviour that a drop of oleic acid on an otherwise innocuous piece of wood or even on a live bee results in the removal of the offending object .
4 It is not known whether there will be a full archaeological investigation of the entire site , or even of a large part of it ; the excavation ends today .
5 However anyone looking to it for an explanation of how women have come to be excluded so completely from the control of machines , or even for a theoretical framework within which to pose such a question , is in for a disappointment .
6 Many of the debts sued for , all undefended , had been outstanding for three , four , five and six years , or even for a longer period .
7 When handpumps break down , they can stand idle for want of maintenance , not for a week or two , or even for a few days , but for the lifetime of all the villagers .
8 I think it 's a matter that should be approached slowly , perhaps making it necessary to stay overnight , or even for a few days .
9 A protest can extend from a lone voice on a box at a street corner to a riot or even to a civil war .
10 The most fundamental reason was evidently that Hitler was proving incapable of bringing about the fervently desired end to the war , either victoriously or even through a creditable compromise peace .
11 The practice then has to be " proved " by evidence as to the intention of the parties , expert evidence on a trade practice or usage , a trade or technical gloss on the meaning of a particular term , or even as a separate term implied into the rules .
12 If you were involved in things at a senior level , whether it were as an administrator , a Minister or even as a senior policeman , you had hundreds of things on the go at any one time .
13 Now you hear it said that we are going to live with stable currencies or even with a single currency for Europe ; that recovery will be slow ; that inflation will stay down while interest rates stay up — poison for precious metals .
14 Middle- or upper-class grief is hidden under controlled facial muscles or even under a black veil , as with members of the royal family .
15 The centre in this explanation should not , as Shils observes , be understood in a geometric sense or even in a geographical sense ; in fact , the term ‘ centre ’ stands for the value systems by which society is ordered and thus may have only the weakest of links with particular concrete manifestations of elite values in politics , economics , culture or other aspects of societal interaction .
16 Register Office , as for The Rational , but with the following additional extras : parents of bride and groom ( if living ) ; blessing in church afterwards ( if either spouse already divorced , or if neither party can agree on going the whole way in a church wedding ) ; any children born pre-union can also be baptised in a job lot , along with the blessing ; more guests and consequently , bigger knees-up at the couple 's home ( or even in a hired room ; marquees are not supplied with this model ) .
17 Wild talk of intervention — whether by Hungary , or by a War saw Pact which has somehow redis covered its lost unity , or even in a joint operation with Nato — is merely post-cold war romancing .
18 Pot up the small young plants as ‘ plugs ’ and grow them on in a frame or a greenhouse — or even in a wooden box covered with polythene .
19 ‘ Conflicts of interest ’ may exist throughout the organisation — or even within a single individual .
20 He was horrified that even for a few minutes he could seriously have contemplated such destructive stupidity .
21 He did n't turn his head to look after them and he was so still that even at a short distance they could no longer distinguish him from his surroundings .
22 He also had a real enjoyment of brief , casual relationships , sexual or otherwise ; one of his gay friends remarked to me that even with a passing infatuation , a pick-up , John never tried to impress people with who he was , never used the glamour of his position to dazzle them , but was interested most in finding out who they were , what kind of person .
23 Again , apart from alerting you to the likely development of a problem here , such inspections will help to ensure that even with a painful condition , the dog will have sufficient confidence to allow you to treat it without attempting to snap or simply pulling its head away repeatedly .
24 It suffered so brutally from war and killing that even after a second time around , in ‘ 39 , after the havoc of Korea , the cut and thrust of Malaysia and Aden , the carnage of the Falklands and the bizarre media-encouraged sand-deaths in the Gulf — even after all that , the terrible word ‘ Gallipoli ’ is burned deep into the very fibre of every soul who was born in Bury , or who had family there .
25 Nonetheless , the significance of Lukacs 's theory is that even in a post-Stalinist epoch it presents socialist realism as rich in possibilities .
26 And talking of trends , chic Americans realise that even in a retail recession all things Soviet still make the cash registers ping .
27 He had already made speeches in favour of European co-operation and even of a Franco-German union .
28 I have mentioned relative to the ignorance , the immorality , the grossness , the obscenity , the drunkenness , the dirtiness , and depravity of the middling and even of a large portion of the better sort of tradesmen , the artisans , and the journeymen tradesmen of London in the days of my youth , may excite a suspicion that the picture I have drawn is a caricature .
29 Within the local community it had survived during the Middle Ages and even to a certain extent right up to the nineteenth century , in spite of a foreign overlay of feudal institutions coming from western and southern Europe .
30 Picturesque eclecticism never found a place there , and a classical tradition emerged which set Australia apart from Canada , India , South Africa , and even to a certain extent neighbouring New Zealand .
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