Example sentences of "[conj] look [adv prt] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If Marcus was sitting on his bed or walking about the room or looking out of the window , Ludens would sit near him either on a chair or else on the floor his knees up , his back against the wall .
2 be ready to make informed guesses , and to correct themselves in the light of additional information , eg by reading ahead or looking back in the text ;
3 Artists know that this has happened , but much of the art establishment has n't caught up with events , or looked back at the past in the light of that .
4 He said that looking out from the platform towards the town reminded him of the late President Kennedy looking out over the Berlin Wall .
5 So he started work in the office and showroom , a long narrow room on the first floor with windows that looked out onto the street , with shelves filled with lines of business machines , computers , word processors , the screens flickering as Lewis , Barnett 's other assistant , experimented with them .
6 The track had , he recalled , two branches , separating as it dropped from the heathy ridge that looked down upon the river .
7 But if a person climbs a nearby hill and looks down on the site , the whole city can be seen and to some extent understood : viewing a site at an angle in this way is equivalent to an oblique aerial photograph .
8 Grant Simons presents a view of the inside of the North American XB-70 Valkyrie at the USAF Museum and looks back into the type 's turbulent past
9 A few miles to the south-west of Beverley the Scots raised their standard on the beacon at Hunsley , which marks almost the southern end of the Wolds and looks out across the Humber to Lincolnshire and across the Vale of York towards Selby and Doncaster .
10 Howard stops walking up and down , and looks out of the window .
11 A gust of wind throws rain against the window and shakes the frame ; it 's loud and surprising and I flinch but he just turns slowly and looks out into the darkness with what could almost be contempt before laughing and putting an arm round my shoulder and suggesting we have another drink .
12 He stands and looks out over the lights of London .
13 When she had eventually plucked up her courage and looked out of the window , she had been entranced by the views from the carriage and the speed of travel .
14 ‘ A case for galoshes , ’ remarked the Substitute , tossing a cigar end out of the jeep and looking around at the steam rising slowly from the wet earth .
15 But lying there beside her , listening to the susurration of the tide and looking up at the sky through a haze of grasses he was filled , not with post-coital sadness , but with an agreeable languor as if the long-committed Sunday afternoon still stretched ahead of them .
16 ‘ So I 've heard , ’ answered George , rolling onto his back and looking up at the sky , while he chewed a stalk of grass .
17 And I 'd stand there , easing my aching back , and looking up at the stars .
18 ‘ I wonder where Barbs is ? ’ said Tim , stopping and looking up at the bedroom windows .
19 Standing in the Townley Room and looking through to the sculptures displayed next door ( Room 83 ) , most of which were intended for public display , one is well aware of the reduced scale and decorative qualities sought by the private collector who wined and dined amidst his collection .
20 No other words were needed and he stood , walking to the window and looking out at the courtyard that was bathed in sunlight .
21 Sammy stood on the mat shaking his fur by the open door and looking out at the sheets of rain that were now whipping across the graveyard .
22 Luke said , going scarlet and looking out of the window , ‘ I wondered if , I mean , do you need , I mean , would you have any job you could give me ?
23 Then she was aware of someone staring at her and looking out of the corner of her eyes she saw it was Carmella .
24 He stayed where he was , leaning over the rail and looking out across the straits towards Spain .
25 He withdrew his hand and turned from her , standing in his saddle and looking out across the valley .
26 Sorvino glanced at his observer and saw that he was half-turned in his seat and looking out towards the back of the car .
27 She had spent some time after breakfast standing on her balcony and looking out towards the mountains .
28 ‘ You did n't think of opening your door and looking out into the corridor ? ’ she asked .
29 She shivered a little , leaning on the balustrade and looking down into the darkness while he gave some instructions to the maid .
30 I remember standing at the back of The Lyceum and looking down at the crowd .
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