Example sentences of "[be] seen [adv] in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 All of these phenomena , including the formation of an actin cable , are seen also in the healing of analogous types of wounds in the mouse embryo ( P.M. , J. McCluskey and J. L. , manuscript in preparation ) .
2 There will be broad scholarly interest simply in seeing the whole thing together and in reuniting certain pairs or groups of paintings which were conceived together but which have not been seen together in the past .
3 It is possible they dropped onto the Yorkshire coast after migrating from somewhere south of Britain for no flock of this size has been seen anywhere in the country through the winter .
4 WC apps : 8 Runners-up : 1934 , 1962 The Czechoslovaks have only been seen twice in the tournament proper since they reached the 1962 final and on neither occasion were they able to win a match .
5 For the predators this timing is just as critical and this can be seen well in the relationships between the piratical Arctic skua , its usual victim the Arctic tern , and the small fish on which they both depend .
6 The impact of these alliances can be seen clearly in the semi-conductor industry .
7 These can be seen clearly in the Gospel narrative .
8 Herons , flamingos , spoonbills and cranes are examples , some of which can be seen elsewhere in the park .
9 This has important implications for the social composition of both origin and destination areas as will be seen later in the chapter .
10 It is sufficient here to notice the pronounced link between the Spirit and power to witness which can be seen both in the life of Jesus and that of the post-ascension Church .
11 On the staircase , Ried 's hand can be seen again in the rib vaulting of c.1500 .
12 We are watching the brides of Christ probably never ever to be seen again in the year two thousand and fifty six .
13 This drift towards incoherence can be seen also in the work of Dick Lester , the most ‘ pop ’ director of the decade .
14 The same increasing central control and rationalization can be seen also in the introduction in 1720 of a regular tariff for the purchase of commissions ; in the 1750s of the custom of numbering regiments rather than referring to them by their colonel 's name ; and in 1792 of a common system of drill , based on that of Prussia , for the whole army .
15 Equally , however , they embody and express distinct cultural orientations , and like all ‘ common locations in the social and historical process ’ they have to be seen also in the context of cultural movements .
16 This should be seen also in the context of improving communications within the Garden , between gardens , and between RBGE and external information resources and services .
17 Today the impact of the embargo is to be seen everywhere in the economy , as well as in the prisons .
18 The way in which the process of understanding works can be seen only in the way we produce a response or description of some kind .
19 Not only foals seek other foals for companions , but groups of calves and lambs can also be seen together in the paddocks , while the mothers graze further afield .
20 As will be seen below in the section on search repetition results , the objective difference between the two systems was not great , and it is not at all surprising that users did not seem to find any difference .
21 In this study , pathological examination of the necropsy specimens showed that amyloid deposits in the myenteric plexuses were seen only in the AA cases .
22 Presumably it is much more likely that such a problem would be picked up by professionals involved in a family , but it underlines the fact that children who are failing to thrive are very much at risk unless they are being taken to the clinic , for example , or are being seen regularly in the home by a Health Visitor .
23 This is seen particularly in the USA , where the very large domestic market has provided a safe haven for many companies of substantial size .
24 The value of the last two characters is seen clearly in the scatter diagram produced by Hanna & Washburn ( 1953 ) for Eskimo pelves .
25 By contrast , posterior subluxation of the atlas is infrequent and is seen only in the presence of severe erosion and dislocation of the odontoid .
26 In the sections of intestinal biopsies obtained after 20 ( Fig 2B ) and 75 minutes a faint colouring was seen apically in the enterocytes .
27 Nun decided that Nut , the sky goddess , in the shape of a cow , should take Re and carry him above the earth , although this meant that he was seen only in the day and the earth became dark at night .
28 The overall mortality from diarrhoea was significantly reduced , whereas a reduction in deaths from respiratory disease was seen only in the measles studies .
29 Oesophagitis was seen only in the group with impaired peristalsis , confirming the close association between a change in oesophageal motility and injury of oesophageal mucosa .
30 It was seen earlier in the book that there are inconsistencies between different components of what may be loosely called the finance function .
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