Example sentences of "[be] made to [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was the first time that the award had been made to a Communist head of state .
2 The Kitemark on a product will indicate that it has not only been made to a published specification , but that it has been independently tested by BSI as well .
3 So to limit the interpretation of the word would follow the principle that words in a statute which have , or can have , a general meaning may have to be given a specialised and narrower meaning in order to make sense of the legislation and to avoid the conclusion that changes have been made to the existing law which can not have been intended by Parliament .
4 Reference has also been made to the early history of the Slovenes , who never controlled a state of their own , apart from the brief episode of Samo , the ruler of a seventh-century Slavonic empire which includes part of modern Slovenia .
5 It was clear from the representations that had been made to the Chief Whip 's office that there were many on the back-benches who would oppose my succession ; there was no similar anti-Macmillan faction .
6 That does not alter the reality , and representations have been made to the chief executive of the SDA arising out of what was discussed in Committee .
7 Need has been variously defined , but in this study needs were deemed to be unmet if interventions were acceptable to the client and the following applied : ( a ) for activities of daily living a person was dependent on help from the carer and this dependence could be reversed by provision of an aid ; ( b ) for communication disorders there had not been an assessment by a speech therapist ; ( c ) for services ( day care , respite care ) a referral had not been made to the appropriate agency and subsequent referral proved successful ; and ( d ) for benefits the client or carer was unaware of eligibility for benefits , an application had not been made , and subsequent application was successful .
8 The hon. Member for Worsley knows that many improvements have been made to the regulatory system .
9 It is perhaps in recognition of the awkward position of English law that exceptions have been made to the marital-rape exemption in recent years .
10 Reference has already been made to the alarming evidence obtained by United Nations investigators in Iraq .
11 In insisting that no changes had been made to the original plan , his team was being economical with the truth .
12 The excavations in the early part of this century have made this a difficult building to interpret , but it is clear from the published plan that alterations had been made to the original structure , which probably dates from the third century .
13 Harden 's type-series ( 1956b , pp. 139–43 ) divided the total assemblage into a number of distinct categories , beakers with stems or claws , bell , bag or cone-shaped , with the related horns , pouch bottles , squat jars , bottles , palm cups and bowls , to which has been added a bucket-shaped vessel from the cemetery of Westgarth Gardens , Bury St Edmunds ( Suffolk ) ; slight variations have been made to the original typology ( Harden 1978 , pp. 2–6 ) .
14 A number of minor amendments have been made to The Social Security ( Contributions ) Regulations 1979 , SI 1979/591 .
15 The seat in question had already been reallocated from the PSOE to the United Left ( IU ) in a recount on Nov. 11 , and appeals had been made to the Constitutional Court against the Murcia court 's decision of Dec. 1 to hold fresh elections .
16 no alteration , modification or addition has been made to the Licensed Software without 's prior written consent
17 One possible solution is the evolutionary approach , by which only minor enhancements are made to a pre-existing architecture so that all programs are upwards compatible to the new computer .
18 At first light final checks are made to the hot air balloons for the start of the weekend festival .
19 Recommendations on student progress are made to the central management team of the Dean , Assistant Dean and Co-ordinator by Field Chairs and senior tutors before noon on Thursday .
20 Few references are made to the social class distribution of West Indian and Asian parents found in other studies , and no supporting evidence is offered for the following statement :
21 Becoming a couple takes time ; commitment has to be made to a joint identity .
22 the application has to be made to a quarterly meeting of the board ( s.5(6) ) , and the transfer effected can only be to the person who during the currency of the licence has become the Owner or occupier or the new tenant of the premises to which the certificate relates .
23 It was quite common in Judaism for an appeal to be made to a religious leader in matters of legal inheritance .
24 Visits will be made to a small number of contrasting forces for a fairly prolonged period .
25 A false report of theft could be made to a next-door neighbour , perhaps to cover up for dealing with property wrongfully , and then the neighbour could make a genuine report to the police about the false theft , thereby causing police time to be wasted .
26 Until the general election result is known no definite commitment can be made to a new form of local tax due to be introduced in 1993 .
27 It would , in my opinion , in many ways be more logical for an application to be released from custody on the ground of non-service or delayed service of a committal notice to be made to a first instance judge rather than direct to this court .
28 This type of mortgage is only available to those in non-pensionable employment , since , in order to secure the tax-free cash sum , contributions must be made to a personal pension plan , and is really only suitable for borrowers who are within 25 years of their preferred retirement date .
29 When a payment is required to be made to a third party ( trader , government , etc. ) the bank depositor draws , i.e. writes , a cheque on his bank payable to the third party .
30 Small repairs may be made to a damaged surface by flooding the affected area with molten asphalt after the defective section has been cut out .
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