Example sentences of "[be] made at the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The medical report books , as Queen Victoria 's reign approached its end , bear eloquent witness to the progress that had been made at the workhouse since those days when the deaths of the fifteen-year-old Samuel B. , and the Infant Bastard child of Susan C. had been recorded in the cold official language of the time .
2 In the USSR it is now officially recognized that the party should be organized more democratically , and attempts have been made at the level of primary organizations to involve the rank and file more in decision-making ( Hill , Dunmore and Dawisha 1981 , p. 201 ) .
3 Mr Richard Aiken , counsel for BBC Enterprises , had told the court that a decision on whether to continue the BBC Europe service should have been made at the end of November but had been deferred until a meeting of the directors on December 29 .
4 I would therefore hold that where there is a split trial or more accurately , in relation to a non-jury case , a split hearing , any party may appeal without leave against an order made at the end of one part if he could have appealed against such an order without leave if both parts had been heard together and the order had been made at the end of the complete hearing .
5 By the weekend , around 50 flights will have been made at the rate of one every 2 hours and the deployment will be complete .
6 And in some cases , most strikingly in Normandy , the landed gains of castellans had been made at the expense of the comital demesne .
7 Yet , these gains in certainty have been made at the expense of the title and negotiability functions , functions that will continue to be needed for the foreseeable future .
8 Yet for the National Government to fight the election as a government , rather than on party lines , was a clear breach of the undertakings which had been made at the time of its formation .
9 At Christchurch , proposals to replace the Gothic station of 1877 had been made at the time of the First World War and again in the 1930s , but it was not demolished until the 1950s , when it was replaced by a modern station more successful than most .
10 But in this warm and pleasant climate she was dressed in a long black dress which looked as though it had been made at the time of Heathcliff .
11 By making an alliance with Megara , Athens was clearly seeking to secure herself from a lightning invasion from the west — the threat which had been made at the time of Thasos .
12 These correlations , however , apparently increase when emotionality ratings are made at the time of recall and may increase with the age of the memory ( Linton , 1986 ) .
13 In Fig. 6.7 therefore , a choice has to be made at the top of the tree between so and sew based on the transitional probability scores to the following words a and I .
14 Application for these can be made at the bar in the High Rocks Inn .
15 Decisions should be made at the outset on what is to be covered in the programme .
16 A careful scrutiny of existing policies and their implicit and explicit assumptions should do two things ; it should enable choices to be made at the level of general strategies , as to what is most conducive to equity or equality , it should also enable individual teachers in individual schools to compare their circumstances with those of others and learn which innovations seem to suit what circumstances and to take heart from the struggles and successes of their colleagues .
17 In either case , decisions about spending priorities — e.g. on staffing as against computers , or educational visits as against redecoration — and about the hiring and firing of teachers , will now be made at the level of the school itself , not by the LEA .
18 The most convenient form of source is a tunable electronic oscillator but the mains , through a suitable step-down transformer , permits measurements to be made at the frequency of the mains .
19 This is particularly important , and I 'm now riding my own hobby horse , but in the area of science erm we have a situation that erm in most secondary schools choice has to be made at the age of thirteen , fourteen , by boys and girls as to which subjects they should take .
20 Usually a function word or affix can not be substituted , so substitution must be made at the slot with which the function word is more closely related , in this example the object or the verb .
21 Full payment for the holiday , including insurance premiums , must be made at the time of booking in order to secure the reservation .
22 There is an optional excursion to Abu Simbel , reservations for which must be made at the time of booking your holiday .
23 Unfortunately some measurements could not be made at the time of the growth room trials , owing to maintenance work .
24 Alternatively , payment may be made at the time of enrolment by personal cheque or bank draft drawn on a UK bank ( see section on Banking below ) .
25 These arrangements can be made at the time of enrolment , without advance notice , provided that you have opened a bank account in the UK and ( for post-dated cheques ) have a cheque book .
26 Alternatively , payment may be made at the time of enrolment in cash , or by personal cheque or bank draft drawn on a UK bank .
27 These arrangements can be made at the time of enrolment , without advance notice , provided that you have opened a bank account in the UK and ( for post-dated cheques ) have a cheque book .
28 We excluded 12 patients because no definite diagnosis of ulcerative colitis or Crohn 's disease could be made at the time of testing .
29 This is an area only recently receiving attention , increasingly by using statistical tests for ‘ normalcy ’ : such studies should bring some objectivity to the assumptions which tend to be made at the moment about the character of individual or groups of hoards .
30 Payment of VAT has to be made at the end of each quarter ; that is 31 March , 30 June , 30 September and 31 December .
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