Example sentences of "[be] going [to-vb] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I need to put the date in my diary cos they 're going to fill up during the summer so you
2 When you 're giving feedback to people , yes , there were going to bad things about what they 've done , yes , there 's going to be good things , but if you can catch the bad things between two good things , even if the good things are just saying thank you , they 're going to go away with a bigger smile on their face , and probably feel more motivated for the next time they do that task .
3 We 're going to go on to the effects of chilling and what damage does that do ?
4 Mm , er what to think , oh I ca n't think of any words , oh we 're going to go off for an interview now anyway .
5 We 're going to go down to the travel agents
6 ‘ Not if you 're going to back off like the last one did . ’
7 now we 're going to finish off with a sport that enjoys itself in the summer … grass track racing … thousands were out over the weekend to watch the midland finals in Worcestershire
8 Well , so I 'm going to meet him at Temple Meads and we 're going to set off to the Marquis family abode .
9 Jem Marsh is deadly serious , not a flicker of a smile darting across his weathered expression : ‘ We 're going to move out of the component car industry .
10 And if there 's no work and if there 's no means by which people can get themselves you know those sorts of basic things but you know I 'm not gon na si I I could n't say that the whole structure is going to ch change becau but I think erm I hope anyway and I do believe really that er I mean I hope that we 're going to stay together as a support group in some sort of form and Yes and there 's no way that we 're not going to support other causes in the way that we 've been supported .
11 Any failure of the controls , they 're going to drop out of the sky indeed we saw that on Saturday …
12 Any failure of the controls , they 're going to drop out of the sky .
13 I think we should have all what we 're going to have in for the bazaar thing , .
14 So presenting the centre line and okay we 're going to come on to the eye contact as well in a moment , presenting the centre line with eye contact means that it feels much more positive for the audience in terms of the delivery .
15 ‘ They 're going to come in at the far end . ’
16 So but nevertheless we will look at a little bit at those peripheral things , but we 're going to concentrate mainly on the design and on the delivery of a presentation so that 's what we want to what we want to look at over the next two days .
17 Which rather proves a point that in fact it was a low period , and therefore if you take a low period historically , which is er includes a a boom in inverted commas , within that , then overall you 're going to end up with a very low figure er in total .
18 Not just republican , we have loyalists as well and the loyalists have the potential for being the bigger and more effective of the two , and if we let the I R A to continue without interning them , you are going to have the situation deteriorating in the way which you do n't want and I do n't want , and you 're going to end up as the chief constable of the R U C said a few weeks ago with Dublin being bombed .
19 But they 're , they 're the gov they 're going to end up in the government .
20 Let the Stapletons know that you 're going to walk home across the moor . ’
21 Just as though he had not been going to walk past into the kitchen , he wheeled , and pounded up the stairs in front of her .
22 ‘ I hope to be a strong and enthusiastic supporter of the Government and I am going to stay on as a MP . ’
23 The question is whether they are going to fall in line uncritically with the dominant interests of the sectors in which they work , or whether they are going to act constructively with a larger view — a view with a grasp of the general public interest .
24 Now I 'm going to go inside and get myself a drink , ’ he announced , ‘ and then we are going to go over to the far field where there 's a modicum of peace and we are going to look at these plans together , OK ? ’
25 Two of the lads are going to go back to the apartment hotel with you .
26 ‘ We are going to negotiate hard with the department to see that we get things moving . ’
27 We all have to accept that each of us has made mistakes in the past — and , indeed , that we are going to make more in the future .
28 Not all employees are going to react negatively to a relocation abroad .
29 I have n't enjoyed the last two years down there , but erm as I say , let's stick our necks out and say ‘ United are going to win down at the County ground ’ .
30 We are all frightened that fossil fuels are going to run out in the foreseeable future , and I wonder if i could ask you about one or two possibilities .
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