Example sentences of "[be] more [adj] to have [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Risks to the fetus increase slightly after 42 weeks ’ gestation but women having labour induced are more likely to have instrumental deliveries or babies with low Apgar scores .
2 Those working in the public sector and those in jobs with strong union organisation are more likely to have occupational pensions .
3 Cells in different plants are more likely to have different genes .
4 Although women are more likely to have non-manual jobs than men , most female non-manual workers are concentrated in the lowest paid sectors of non-manual work and have routine non-manual jobs .
5 Families above three children , and less than two , are more frequent in the manual social classes , especially class V. Manual workers have higher average fertility because they are more likely to have big families , not because they avoid having really small ones .
6 SSDs had more knowledge of the number of disabled people in their area than had housing departments , and they were more likely to have specific policies on meeting their needs .
7 Cost , or the need to plan within specific budgets , was more likely to be mentioned by the training officer group , perhaps because they were more likely to have specific budgets .
8 Manual socio-economic grades were more likely to have favourable views of HP and mail order than people in non-manual grades , and were particularly likely not to know how bank loans or credit cards worked .
9 One interesting finding was that people who reported personal contact with suicide attempters were more likely to have hostile attitudes towards attempted suicide .
10 The demographic details of the patients are shown in Table I. The groups were comparable for age , smoking , and drinking habits but those not treated with NSAID were more likely to have abdominal complaints .
11 ‘ It is more important to have happy franchisees because this is a team effort and there is a connection between all franchisees .
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