Example sentences of "[be] n't [verb] [adv prt] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Well , you are n't floating off into space , are you ?
2 It 's a shame you were n't helping out at Christmas , you 'd 've been able
3 The pro is n't put off by time switches .
4 But the training of surgeons and operating teams for keyhole surgery is n't keeping up with demand so Trent Health Authority is spending a hundred and fifty thousand pounds on a training centre at Leicester General .
5 ‘ But by the sound of what she has just said her mother was n't cut out for work , not the kind you 'll find in this quarter , except her last job .
6 When I was n't dozing off in chapel , I was having difficulty in keeping awake in class and , to a greater extent , during prep-time , when I was supposed to be working alone .
7 Bon Jovi never did dirty their songs with real spunk , anger or despair , on in fact any emotion that was n't packaged up in stadium size , third-hand slogans with melodies so open and bare they sound as if they 've caught sunstroke in the New Jersey heat , and nothing 's changed .
8 Perhaps the Aussie singer was n't brimming over with confidence .
9 My friend Kevin , muscleman and minicab driver , says the lads would be out rioting for Willy now if it was n't tipping down with rain the whole time .
10 Right , erm I 've actually got down that erm you assumed that his wife was n't a tax pay sorry , his wife was n't a tax payer and you assumed that she was n't working but you did actually pick back up on that later that she was n't that she was n't going back to work after having the children so erm tt that is now irrelevant but it was at the time that you were saying it , that you did n't actually pick it up .
11 If Dan was n't going out with Honey , they might have got it sorted out but
12 It was n't read out in court , but it lead the Coroner to record a verdict of suicide .
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