Example sentences of "[be] quite a [noun sg] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But there 's a lot if we were going to talk about the m relative merits of the inner and outer today , I think er there 's quite a lot in addition to the er the traffic effects within Knaresborough which we would have to go into er er because I mean , in fact we 've and that is why I did n't include in certainly in my statement , er any defence er in any great detail of choosing an outer route as opposed to an inner route .
2 But there 's quite a difference in price if you notice .
3 There is quite a difference in attitude between regarding the front-line units as the operating end of the organisation and regarding these units as service units for the rest of the organisation .
4 But er , if you , if you really wanted to find out there is quite a lot in colour psychology .
5 This is quite an achievement in view of the size and the regional diversity of a country such as the United States .
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