Example sentences of "[be] make [adj] for the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Additional funds have been made available for the purpose and , accordingly , the reforms — including the establishment of trusts — cause no adverse effects on the hospital maintenance programme .
2 With the recent introduction of Standard Grade and Revised Higher Grade , special budgets have been made available for the purchase of all the additional apparatus needed for the very attractive , modern courses .
3 Co-ordinator Pam McHale said £14,500 had been made available for the Streetlink scheme and that approval was expected for another nine schemes over the next week .
4 The two other presidential candidates , Alfonso Santos of the Christian Democratic Front and Guadalupe de Seita , an independent , announced at the end of February that they were withdrawing from the ballot , complaining that government funds had been made available for the Trovoada campaign .
5 It was but lately that realty had been made liable for the debts of its deceased owner .
6 Through their wide experience of the stories they have read and hear , they should be helped to increase their control of story form , recognising , for example , that events take place in a setting , which needs to be described , and that the outcome has to be made explicit for the reader .
7 The sum of £300 would be made available for the club from the new financial year accounts .
8 The sum of £300 would be made available for the club from the new financial year accounts .
9 The SADCC executive secretary Simbarashe Makoni admitted , however , that " there was no mechanism " , either in trading or in transport terms , for local surpluses to be made available for the needs of neighbouring countries if they were unable to afford a commercial purchase .
10 May it be made clear for the record that my hon. Friend the Member for Redcar ( Ms. Mowlam ) , who is a junior Front-Bench spokesman , wrote to the Secretary of State this week asking for an inquiry ?
11 It came as some surprise to the board when they were informed that , although it seemed unreasonable for them to have to know what was going on , they could be made liable for the damage .
12 The name of the user to be made responsible for the SPR .
13 Thus , if there is an outright transfer of the matrimonial home to the wife subject to the existing mortgage ( see Chapters 3 , 4 and 7 ) or the matrimonial home is held on certain terms and conditions ( see Chapter 6 ) then the occupant wife should be made responsible for the mortgage payments ( the husband would not be using the house as his only or main residence and so would not be eligible for interest relief ) .
14 Those still in working order can be used for straightforward word-processing as stand-alones , with some being held in reserve to replace machines out on repair , plus some being made available for the use of Associates and long-term visiting researchers .
15 All night he had laboured in prayer and watching , then rising and sitting in his chair , as it were made new for the occasion , which had been placed before the chimney in his parlour , and in the midst of his chaplains , servants and officers who were praying for him , he expired as if sleeping , and without a groan yielded up his spirit most purely to his Creator . "
16 The first set of temporary positions were offered in December 1983 for the spring and summer terms in 1984 , while further positions were made available for the autumn term 1984 and the spring term in 1985 .
17 Pair after pair of serwal were made ready for the tailor 's sewing machine .
18 Local authorities were made responsible for the welfare of the handicapped under the National Assistance Act of 1948 .
19 Hence the constant , and eventually often vain , calls of the leaders of such new states to surmount ‘ tribalism ’ , ‘ communalism ’ , or whatever forces were made responsible for the failure of the new inhabitants of the Republic of X to feel themselves to be primarily patriotic citizens of X rather than members of some other collectivity .
20 The paragraph reads like a prelude to a claim that the solicitors be made responsible for the loss .
21 Their business is to propound ideas in such a way that their claimed transfer value is made explicit for the consideration and possible operationalization by the teacher .
22 After the check up , Jeanette is made ready for the treatment .
23 After the check up , Jeanette is made ready for the treatment .
24 Part of this land was used for council housing but , as North Tyneside CDP ( 1978a ) makes clear , much was made available for the building of private housing .
25 The tug refloated the vessel , towed her to a sheltered anchorage where she was made fit for the tow to Hong Kong , and thereafter towed her for four days to docks in Hong Kong .
26 On the line 's completion in 1841 Gooch was made responsible for the construction of branch lines to Heywood , Oldham , Halifax , and Ashton-under-Lyne .
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