Example sentences of "[be] see [prep] [pos pn] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Someone said that O had not been seen at his job in the video hire shop for the whole week either .
2 Dundee United mastered the elements better than their opponents and had in Ferguson , Scott Crabbe and Paddy Connolly lively players who continue to give the impression that Jim McLean is not far off having a team capable of far better than has been seen from his club in recent seasons .
3 The contents are secret and have been seen in their entirety by very few officers below the rank of Assistant Chief Constable .
4 One year earlier she had been seen in our hospital for joint pain and skin lesions on the lower legs which resembled erythema nodosum .
5 Following the ceremony , thanked the guests for coming and briefly explained what they would be seeing on their tour of the working factory , which is expected to boost the Company 's production to over 50,000 tonnes during 1990 .
6 People who could n't tell Weber from Webern went along to cheer their favourite tenor and be seen with their bums on a fifty-quid seat .
7 One patient might attend the ward as a day-patient , another may be seen with his partner for marital therapy , another may continue in individual problem-orientated therapy , and so on .
8 However , the significance of the ‘ South Bank ’ theologians was not only to be seen in their effect on the Church , but also , according to Mrs Whitehouse , in their affinity with the secular intellectual elite which held sway in the 1960s :
9 This can be seen in their reaction to the most striking change of this kind during the whole early modern period — the assumption by Tsar Peter I in 1721 of the new title of Emperor ( Imperator ) .
10 The same attempt to represent fathers in Leapor 's writing purely as tyrants , can likewise be seen in her interpretation of ‘ The Unhappy Father ’ which will be discussed below .
11 This may be seen in his pollution of air , soil and ocean and in his scant disregard for the balance of nature or the needs of future generations and his tendency , without restraint , to use animal creation for his own ends .
12 That attitude can be seen in his correspondence with Hanns during the making of The Soldier 's Tale .
13 The support of his brother 's men gave him a nexus of servants throughout the country , the value of which can be seen in his measures against Sir Edward Woodville .
14 The support of his brother 's men gave him a nexus of servants throughout the country , the value of which can be seen in his measures against Sir Edward Woodville .
15 The form of Canon Wheeler could be seen in his chair below the Masaccio copy .
16 She did n't want the fact that she had written to me to be discovered , and perhaps be seen by her parents as another act of disobedience , causing another row .
17 The hit-squad 's leader had kept below rather than find himself in confrontation with Louis or be seen by his men to be subservient to or afraid of the Latino leader .
18 Just how weak were Rank 's budgetary controls can be seen from their dealings with Gabriel Pascal , the Hungarian producer whose brief career was built on his having persuaded George Bernard Shaw to trust him with the film rights to his plays .
19 As can be seen from our position at the bottom , it is a secret we have yet to uncover .
20 Further evidence of the Heritage Secretary 's right-on attitude can be seen from his attendance at Glyndebourne .
21 In Rawls it can be seen from his model of ‘ pure procedural justice ’ and the assertion of an equal right to liberty as the primary principle .
22 On that night , Tuesday , 24 August 1773 , they talked of murderers being hanged — Lord Errol must have had a fund of such stories : he was the Lord High Constable of Scotland ; then they drank port , and were seen to their rooms by their host himself .
23 In the research experiment , the attitudes of a manager were gauged by asking subordinates to rate bosses ; results showed that the efficient bosses were seen by their subordinates to be more considerate .
24 So all were seen by their subjects in their role as peace-keepers , and also as upholders and definers of customary law .
25 When weddings were weddings , and the scullery maid would faint if she were seen by her ladyship in the wrong part of the house not attending to her duties , there were rules of etiquette and runic codes to cover every contingency .
26 The shameful thing was doing it in front of strangers , and being seen by your friends in the process .
27 Leeds , the culture historian , is seen at his peak in his Early Anglo-Saxon Art and Archaeology ( 1936 ) and his paper entitled ‘ The distribution of the Angles and Saxons archaeologically considered ’ ( 1945 ) .
28 Marilyn Monroe in the 1953 film ‘ How to Marry a Millionaire ’ is seen in her cabin on board the Queen Mary trying to come to terms with her Travellers Letter of Credit .
29 Unlike Jesus Christ , who is for Christians the Son of God , Muhammad , who was born in AD 570 is seen by his followers as Gods messenger .
30 Murphy was seen with her baby in her arms watching a broadcast of Quayle 's attack on her .
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