Example sentences of "[be] go [to-vb] the [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 We 're going to do the editorial and then
2 You 're going to use the piano that 's there ?
3 If it runs for the ten years , they 're going to out-perform the banks and building societies , and they 're going to be very happy .
4 They 're going to strip the bodies and finish the killing …
5 Sergeant Barr of the Los Angeles police announced to the gathered reporters : ‘ We 're going to clean the dope and the narcotics users out of Hollywood .
6 ‘ I 've given them this number and they 're going to test the line and call me back , ’ she said when Iris came in from the garden .
7 What they 're able to do with that money this year and in that way we can make a reasonable assessment as to what has to be done next year and the years after and budget all , but we 're talking about how they 're going to spend the money that we 've just earlier on voted for , for us so that we can see what is being done and also that the public can see because after all this all came up , the report to the ombudsman and the public will not be satisfied about our performance on that .
8 Now we 're going to lock the house and nobody must go in again .
9 You 're going to get the drill and have a go at the drilling session ?
10 And we 're going to find the person that did it you know cos last it was no , no smoking in the toilets and then there 's no smoking dope in the toilets
11 Oh they 're going to change the rules that erm , you know there 's two scrumhalfs start on their side of the scrum , well they ca n't come round to the other side .
12 ‘ Before too long you 're going to admit the truth if I have to beat it out of you . ’
13 You 're going to emphasize the fact that our cage of course is erm a buttress cage
14 ‘ I am going to see The King And I tonight , ’ said one of the committee to him unctuously , ‘ and I will appreciate it much more . ’
15 On this subject , I am going to jump the gun and name my 12th man , who is not really a genuine reserve , but simply England 's best-ever allround fielder : A. P. F. Chapman .
16 At the end of three days he went to his grandfather , and said , " Grandfather , I am going to climb the mountain and find a place where I can get some peace and quiet .
17 In our study , we are going to examine the process and products of this transformation with reference to first impressions .
18 We are going to tell the Ukrainians that , as Ukrainians , they can go ahead and arrange their life as they see fit .
19 Erm by a bit because we have now moved , the Monday morning we are going to have the sewing and the people from the Monday morning , we have put onto the the three other days when we make crackers .
20 We are going to attempt the head and neck parts for a medium-sized rocking horse ( fig. 1 ) .
21 And he added , ‘ This will be the first time Ah 've visited the country , but havin' read Prescott myself Ah do n't think Ah 'm goin' to like the Spaniards and what they and the mestizos have done to it . ’
22 And I 'm going to hold the top while I show you .
23 ’ ’ I 'm sure I 'm going to leave the ground and float up and hit my head on the ceiling , and all the time the voices are call ‘ DO IT DO IT DO IT … ’
24 ‘ I 'm going to open the door and listen . ’
25 ‘ I 'm going to infiltrate the skinheads and tell them about black people .
26 I 'm going to phone the Rotunda and say we 're bringing her in now . ’
27 She thought of the long , black car gliding up to the great white building where they were going to hold the conference that would put an end to war for ever .
28 The pilot , frantically trying to avoid disaster , felt his craft tilt and knew the big rotors were going to hit the gatehouse before they actually did .
29 If I were going to spend the time and effort to write a book , I wanted it to get to as many people as possible .
30 Now we were going to do The Holly and The Ivy , but that 's why the carol crept in .
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