Example sentences of "[be] go [prep] [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 I know you 're going through a bad time , but my main concern is Maureen . ’
2 ‘ It 's been going on a long time , Elaine .
3 because it 's been going on a long time .
4 But it was I mean you have to admit erm and I 'm I 'll bring Mr Power in and let him speak for himself , but you have to admit that it from what we 've just heard , it started in nineteen seventy four , it 's been going on a long time .
5 But after plunging towards the relegation zone with just four points from the previous 21 , he admitted : ‘ We have been going through a bad time and We needed this win . ’
6 Blockbusters are going through a terrible time , and I had no desire to add to the misery .
7 ‘ Farmers are going through a hard time , especially those on small acreage .
8 ‘ If you are going through a difficult time , we do need to know why , hence the benefit of having good information and figures to hand . ’
9 Yeah , yeah six minutes past the hour so there , yeah , so they kept giving you doubts , now if you 're getting on this train make sure you get out at Lemington , so at about twenty past twelve , the twelve six went out from platform eleven , why , cos that will upset everything then , by , few of the trains kept coming round , then they said were very sorry but the Shrewsbury train will come in at platform ten that 's where we 're all waiting , so the ready train be outside somewhere , so , that came in just as the , the twelve , six went out about twenty past twelve these in and this girl got up so we said do n't get on this , you 'll never get to Birmingham you get on here , wait until we get on we said , cos they changed the train , oh she was getting all worked up , she come from Middlesborough , well I said well , well , anyway , we said no , there , there 's no trains for university no , nobody will be going at the right time will they ?
10 It is obviously more difficult to set aside time for meal planning if you happen to be going through a heavy time at work .
11 You might not be going through an easy time emotionally or materially but all the dramatic sagas now unfolding will eventually come together to produce and excellent outcome .
12 I had decided that I had to face up to the fact that John might not come back or he might be gone for a long time and that when he did come back we might not love one another .
13 Did you say to her , I 'm going out to re I 'm going out and I may be gone for a long time .
14 It seems to be gone for a long time .
15 He had been gone for a long time .
16 In the circumstances they could hardly refuse our request for a special audit — indeed , they appeared to welcome it , saying that although they were going through a difficult time they had nothing to hide , and were confident that the bank would wish to continue its support . "
17 As they came close we watched as they demonstrated the subtle science of reading the often obscure words of the hymn and seeing where they were going at the same time .
18 The promotions business is going through a rocky time , and the Hoover jinx has now hit the Coca Cola Co in the UK , the Guardian reports : customer services at the company 's British headquarters are besieged with callers believing they have won Sega Enterprises Ltd games machines because one batch of bottles appears to make every purchaser a winner ; any bottle cap with the letter M , G or B printed on it wins a Sega prize , but the problem batch have all three letters inside the cap as part of a code to identify consignments , and the company is having to spend thousands of pounds on advertising to make it quite clear that its only caps with only one of the letters that win , and that all three are no good .
19 using it at the same rate but it 's going for a longer time .
20 She explained that Donald was going through a difficult time , ‘ We all have our difficult times , right ? ’ and Nathan would have to be patient with him .
21 He felt that Emerson was going through a hard time in his own life , that he was confused , that he was having marital problems , that Brazil and his family were getting him down : in other words , that Emerson was under a lot of pressure .
22 To a number of us the crucial omission was any help for industry , which was going through an appalling time .
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