Example sentences of "[be] be [verb] [adv prt] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 Like the Jaguar and lightning jets , they 're being phased out of the RAF because they 're considered too expensive to service .
2 ‘ We 're being thrown out of an ale-house , no less . ’
3 The young are being drained out of the village .
4 This changed with the re-emergence of long-term structural unemployment , leading to the de-incorporation of increasing sections of the working class , ‘ who are being defined out of the edifice of citizenship ’ ( Dahrendorf , 1985 , p. 98 ) .
5 In Eastern Europe , meanwhile , new nation states are being formed out of the debris of the old system and nationalist feeling is exceptionally strong , and it is an open question whether some of these states will in due course be incorporated in an enlarged EC or perhaps in some still wider , but as yet only vaguely conceived , ‘ European homeland ’ ( to use Gorbachev 's expression ) .
6 County Tory leader , Councillor Simon Cussons , says he has had complaints from youngsters who feel they are being hounded out of the pubs .
7 They 're obviously being continually carried in from the river water but are being taken out of the system somewhere in the marine environment .
8 The Christian Democrats got only 38.7% of the vote , against 45.1% four years ago , and are being booted out of the government for the first time since the state was founded 45 years ago .
9 Almost a quarter of Galway 's manufacturing workforce are being put out of a job and local business leaders say that up to 2,000 more could be made redundant by the ripple effect hitting Digital 's contractors and suppliers .
10 Despite the privatizations of the 1980s , there is a real fear that private investors in stocks and shares are being driven out of the market .
11 When God is posited as the First Cause , the very ideas of cause and effect are being torn out of the context in which they properly belong , that of the perceived regularities in the world of which we are aware .
12 A similar , if less dramatic , process ‘ was taking place at a lower level ; new urban districts were being carved out of the rural districts ’ ( Keith-Lucas and Richards 1978:200 ) .
13 The outer room was already full of readers but people were being turned out of the inner room to make way for the meeting .
14 Lisabeth and Fenella were being moved out of the way and generally harried from pillar to post .
15 I occasionally lecture at the Hogeschool in Holland , where the talent is now exceptional , and a new mood is being defined out of a profound rejection of wearing your logo/status/money on your sleeve .
16 It means that someone is being kept out of the know , and it 's often been me in the past , and it 's me now .
17 A DEAF grandmother is being kicked out of a charity home for having her TV and radio on too loud .
18 Mud is being pumped out of the land-locked Alderfen Broad in Norfolk in an attempt to restore a rich water plant community and a healthy fish population .
19 The young child will feel that he is being pushed out of the way to make room for someone much more important .
20 The plot has still to be finalised but insiders say Marcus will find out he has AIDS after having a gay affair with Dieter , who is being written out of the show .
21 The football authorities say we can now concentrate on what happens on the field rather than the terrace , because hooliganism is being forced out of the game .
22 If Target is being acquired out of a corporate group , it is likely that its immediate parent company will wish to extract value from it by way of a pre-acquisition dividend paid under a group income election , as this will preclude any charge to ACT on Target and will not be a taxable receipt for the parent company ( see ss208 and 247 Taxes Act 1988 ) .
23 The cost of the compensation was being met out of the money saved by cutting price subsidies .
24 Nicklaus made regular visits to oversee operations as the course was being carved out of the lush countryside .
25 Llewelyn turned from the harness that was being checked out of the armoury , and looked at his foster-son for a moment from so far away and by so dazzling a light that he seemed hardly to know him .
26 CHARLES WOKE as if his body was being dragged out of a deep pit , and memory returned slowly to his pounding head .
27 Exeter had been a committed Lancastrian who had suffered forfeiture of his estates to the crown , so that in effect the endowment of the Greys was being made out of the royal lands .
28 Exeter had been a committed Lancastrian who had suffered forfeiture of his estates to the crown , so that in effect the endowment of the Greys was being made out of the royal lands .
29 Although I had wanted to go away and agreed to go away , when the time came I also felt that I was being pushed out of the nest , and that my parents were glad to be rid of me , in that there would be one fewer person to cater for .
30 The old , it appeared , were on the attack everywhere ; why , even pirate radio was being driven out of the North Sea .
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