Example sentences of "[conj] [am/are] [adv] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Many standards related to document processing have just been published or are currently going through the later stages of the ISO process on their way to becoming official standards .
2 The falsificationist sees science as a set of hypotheses that are tentatively proposed with the aim of accurately describing or accounting for the behaviour of some aspect of the world or universe .
3 As a label , Gramola is still revived from time to time for releases that are primarily designed for the local market .
4 ‘ I ’ , ‘ me ’ or ‘ mine ’ are words that are frequently heard in the classroom , as a child proudly announces that he has ‘ built a big tower ’ or ‘ got one like that ’ , or as he asserts himself by virtue of possession , ‘ That 's mine ’ .
5 It was n't anybody else 's awar it was a T U C award and you can imagine the very issue that has been raised here today are the very aspects that are critically analyzed by the T U C in determined award , but I will take on board the points that have been mentioned .
6 You can ask them either just as they are or use them as a basis for formulating questions that are particularly related to the job for which you are being interviewed .
7 The simple random sampling scheme described in Chapter 1 is widely used and forms the basis of more sophisticated procedures that are particularly needed in the social sciences and medicine .
8 A possible explanation is the accumulation of vasoactive substances of splanchnic origin in the systemic circulation that are either metabolised by the normal liver or abnormally released during acute liver failure .
9 Does the Minister agree that if those projects that are partly funded by the European Community fund do not proceed this year , there is a danger that there will be some damage to the economy of Northern Ireland ?
10 It should be possible to generate lists consisting of subsets of elements that are unambiguously defined in the text e.g. authors , headwords , sense-sections .
11 The models are based on very slick-looking matt shells with controls that are neatly incorporated into the overall design , rather than tacked on .
12 This enables us in section 16.3 to understand the definitions of money that are officially used in the UK .
13 The rooms are formed from the insides of the two lorries and from platforms that are hydraulically extended from the sides .
14 This the speaker can draw on in order to relate new information that s/he wants to convey to elements that are already established in the context .
15 Table I shows the number of children , the observed number of deaths , and age specific death rates for the different groups that are separately identified in the childhood supplement .
16 The third group comprises the European fossils that are mostly attributed to the genus Dryopithecus .
17 Where are we to account for the hints , implicit purposes , assumptions , social attitudes and so on that are effectively communicated by the use of language , not to mention the figures of speech ( e.g. metaphor , irony , rhetorical questions , understatement ) that have preoccupied theorists of rhetoric and literature ?
18 Those creatures that are best adapted to the environment ( the ‘ fittest ’ ) survive and reproduce and so , too , do those that are adapted to compete for mates .
19 Those products of reproduction — children — that are best adapted to the current circumstances will generally survive until they are of a suitable age to reproduce , passing on at least some of the characteristics favouring survival to their own children : those who are poorly adapted to the current circumstances will , in general , either die young or be unable to find a mate .
20 Indeed , they have the same cytological and immunophenotypic characteristics as the B cells that are normally found around the mantle zone of Pyer 's patches .
21 The Interludium therefore occurs in a later copy than the extant copy of Dame Sirith , and since Dame Sirith contains details that are also found in the other European versions of the tale , such as the object of the clerk 's desires being a married woman , not a " girl " , it is regarded as impossible for Dame Sirith to be derived from the Interludium .
22 Horses that are well handled from the time of being foals are most unlikely to be aggressive towards us .
23 ‘ They review records that are just getting into the shops .
24 I think what we should do , as we 've got two papers on similar topics , is er take any questions that are specifically related to the t to this paper and the , the methods used in this paper , and then after the next paper have , have both speakers up to address the topic er of er of timing of follow up cystoscopies .
25 In practice , the trays are often left to overflow , leaving puddles of water that are sometimes concealed by the cabinet .
26 ( Many would argue that , since the fixed costs of change are large , it is only significant departures that are usually considered within the political process . )
27 And like all the lettuce , the you know , all the foods that are usually used in the shop , we just use it for ourselves anyway .
28 They manufacture this liquid in nectaries that are usually located in the farthest depths of a flower .
29 Any analogies have to be with living creatures that are distantly related in the zoological sense , although there may be reasons to suspect that they have similar life habits to those that the fossil animals once enjoyed .
30 On the one hand , suppliers will deliver only items that are explicitly requested by the stores , and on the other they will be privy to market data and forecasts , so that they can plan their manufacturing activities accordingly .
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