Example sentences of "[conj] [am/are] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Special classification schemes exist with more limited aims of covering just one main subject area , or are compiled in accordance with the interests of one user group .
2 The right hon. Gentleman is aware that a number of European economies either have been in recession or are moving towards recession at precisely the moment when the United Kingdom economy is poised to come out of recession .
3 Danby and the other great Gorge masters rarely come to auction or are found for sale in galleries .
4 Successful candidates then go on to work on an MSc dissertation , or are recommended for registration for a PhD or MPhil .
5 When ice melts it is believed that this structure is largely maintained but that the spaces become partly filled , possibly by unbonded water molecules which are small enough to fit inside them , or are reduced in size by bending and reorganization of the hydrogen bonds .
6 It 's a matter of having spares for when any of them go lame , or are needed for work on the farm .
7 The structurally equivalent residues in rat CD2 may be identified by sequence alignment and Fig.5 b indicates the sidechain positions for those that are exposed to solvent in the sCD2 structure .
8 And if it is the intention of regions to put speakers on , especially those regions that are situated at back of Congress , if the speakers could come to the front it would save a great deal of time .
9 Dahlgren [ 1986 ] approaches the problem of sense discrimination using an ordered set of categorial rules that are applied in sequence to the text to be discriminated .
10 We are mesmerised by the mystery of young women 's bodies , trying to unlock their secrets with words that are whispered from desk to desk .
11 This ‘ self ’ is presumed to be separate and distinct ( and in some way more fundamental ) from the ‘ selves ’ or personae that are constructed through interaction with others , e.g. the parent , the employee and political activist may be ‘ selves ’ which present different facets to the world .
12 It may be mentioned that the Statute Citator in Current Law Statutes includes statutory instruments issued under rule-making powers , cases decided on the construction of statutes , and legal literature dealing with statutes , as well as all statutes of any year that are attended by legislation during the years covered .
13 Teachers who listen to all the conflicting noises that are made about education by the pundits will inevitably feel ( quite apart from their own ideals ) that there is no pleasing all of the people all of the time .
14 Can the Minister say whether the Government will agree to a Europewide eco-labelling scheme , to try to eliminate some of the misleading claims that are made on behalf of some products , which prejudice products that are environmentally safe ?
15 There is continuous production of identical or similar products that are made in anticipation of sales .
16 The most convincing evidence would be that capacities that are retained after ablation of the visual cortex are lost after damage to subcortical systems .
17 Fortunately there are still a handful of splendid brews that are allowed to condition in the bottle .
18 The first relates to the idea , taken from linguistic theory , that there are two main types of anaphoric expression : those that are interpreted with respect to the surface form of a text and those that are interpreted with respect to its meaning .
19 The first relates to the idea , taken from linguistic theory , that there are two main types of anaphoric expression : those that are interpreted with respect to the surface form of a text and those that are interpreted with respect to its meaning .
20 Right , Ian concerned that are hauling in grain into brig then loading six five thirty five .
21 er , six erm , I 've made a list of all the different words that are used for crap on reports right ?
22 In peptide producing endocrine cells the main secretory products pass from the Golgi to the cell exterior through the so called regulated route — that is , in secretory granules that are released by exocytosis on stimulation .
23 One advantage of such a site , however , is that samples of blood and urine that are required for analysis of rhythms are readily refrigerated so that deterioration is less of a problem than in other environments .
24 It is one of the two arguments I will examine that are advanced on behalf of the doctor to justify him in overriding or disregarding the expressed view of his patient .
25 They can be reliably dug out again only by averaging over many presentations so that the random background fluctuations cancel each other out , leaving just the potential shifts that are linked in time to the triggering event .
26 With the partial exception of Didon and Les femmes , which dwell on the protagonist 's unstable emotions in the manner of a theatrical soliloquy , it is dramatic episodes rather than specific movements that are set in relief through well timed key changes , as in Campra 's stage action scenes .
27 It appears , therefore , that there are very few homes that do not provide richer opportunities than are found at school for learning through interaction with adults .
28 Usually these are children from one-parent families , children in local-authority care , or youngsters who need a respite from the household chores they assume as surrogate adults because their parents are ill , and even , in some cases , children with a parent in prison , and are selected for inclusion in the scheme not by the police but by schools and other caring agencies .
29 We retire to the hotel bar early in the morning and are met on arrival by Big Al Jourgensen wearing a George Bush mask and clutching a can of hi-fi contact clear .
30 They are offered smaller discounts than the purchasing moguls of companies , and are viewed with distaste in garages because of their tendency to quibble over bills or wonder whether they really need new tyres .
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