Example sentences of "[conj] [not/n't] for the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He quotes Gamgee : ‘ He toiled for lucre and not for the advancement of veterinary science ’ .
2 The opposite side of the argument is that in task allocation people may not receive appropriate care at appropriate times and that the day is succession of minor interruptions , made for the convenience of the organisation and not for the benefit of individuals .
3 The director of a company has a duty to carry on the business of that company in all respects in good faith for the benefit of that company and not for the benefit of other group companies .
4 Mr. Philipson , relying on the final paragraph of the notice itself quoted above , and upon a minute textual analysis of Mr. Barnes ' affidavit , submitted that it was plain that the real purpose of the Bank of England was to obtain the documents for the Federal Reserve Board , and not for the purpose of exercising its own supervisory function .
5 Payments made ex gratia or as compensation for loss of office by the vendor of the business will not usually be deductible by the vendor because they are made in connection with the discontinuance of the trade and not for the purpose of enabling the company to carry on its trade .
6 Note also that a person domiciled in the Channel Islands can benefit from owning the assets specified in s6(3) by virtue of s267(2) although the relief in s48(4) only applies for the purposes of s6(2) and not for the purpose of s6(3) .
7 The ground rules of completion are designed for the interests of the public and not for the interests of the profession alone .
8 As Cobbett said afterwards , the people had wanted the Act " that it might do us some good ; that it might better our situation … and not for the gratification of any abstract or metaphysical whim . "
9 This case is , as is readily appreciated , a case merely for the existence of some sort of second chamber , and not for the House of Lords as at present composed .
10 Lord Oliver described the relationship in the following way : ‘ … the purpose for which the auditors ’ certificate is made and published is that of providing those entitled to receive the report with information to enable them to exercise in conjunction [ with others ] those powers which their respective proprietary interests confer on them and not for the purposes of individual speculation with a view to profit . ’
11 Lord , for your sake , and not for the sake of those around us , may we not falter nor make empty plans but work to share your love and grace .
12 Rescripts were often penned for a case , and not for the world at large .
13 Continued allegations were made that surplus revenues were being applied for civic and municipal purposes and not for the improvement of the Harbour in accordance with the Acts of 1799 and 1826 .
14 And would politics based on religion have disappeared in Glasgow if not for the rise of the Labour Party ?
15 Thus , Chartism was the eldest surviving child of Owenism ; and the six points of the People 's Charter brought into sharper focus , and as a realisable political objective within the given constitutional framework , the expectations of most of those who had earlier looked , if not for the re-creation of man on Owen 's visionary model , at least for a rapid and general application of co-operative practice as the means to a better life : who had , in short , looked for the reconstruction of the state as an industrial democracy .
16 If not for the help of the librarian she might not even have found the book .
17 George turned to Catherine , kissed her hands and seemed content to stare at her for the rest of the night if not for the rest of his life : Mary bowed her head a little and Hope looked away , sipped at his claret , could do no more .
18 The eventual publication of ‘ Work in Progress ’ , as Finnegans Wake in 1939 , provides a convenient date — if not for the success of the novel itself , too abstract and esoteric to sustain much attention during the war years which followed — at least for critics and literary historians .
19 There are other strips full of angst , of the search for self knowledge , if not for the meaning of life .
20 One kind is the fancy dress which children can wear for a parade but not for the whole of a party .
21 ( i ) bodily injury sustained while under the influence of or ( ii ) disablement due wholly or partly to the effects of intoxicating liquor or drugs other than drugs taken in accordance with treatment prescribed and directed by a qualified registered medical practitioner but not for the treatment of drug addiction .
22 This rule has now been relaxed so as to permit reports of commissioners , including law commissioners , and white papers to be looked at for the purpose solely of ascertaining the mischief which the statute is intended to cure but not for the purpose of discovering the meaning of the words used by Parliament to effect such cure : Eastman Photographic Materials Co . Ltd. v. Comptroller-General of Patents , Designs and Trademarks [ 1898 ] A.C. 571 and Assam Railways and Trading Co . Ltd. v. Commissioners of Inland Revenue [ 1935 ] A.C. 445 , 457–458 .
23 Although the development officers ’ budget was almost entirely used for the payment of support workers it could also be used for the purchase of goods ( for example a single bed for a client coming out of hospital ) but not for the purchase of other services .
24 Beating up cushions releases the feelings pent up in the shoulders — but such forms of catharsis are sometimes thought to be all right for Californians but not for the rest of us .
25 The contra cause was fired by reverence , both among the rebel leaders and their American sponsors , for democracy in its raw form , not far from anarchy : for freedom of action and impulse , for the right to take up arms and set up companies , but not for the constraints of legislatures or even , much , for the damp blanket of different opinions .
26 If you caused a flood by knocking a nail through a water pipe , the flood section would cover you for damage caused by the water , but not for the damage to the pipe .
27 Years previously , as a probationary cadet at Harrogate , and later at O.C.T.U. , he had said that he would like to make a success of soldiering , but not for the sake of prestige or promotion .
28 Perhaps it is repetitive , but not for the sake of repetition , as each phrase carries a different emphasis and builds on to the prior phase for effect .
29 The pump manufacturer was held liable for the value of the lobsters ( property damage ) but not for the costs of buying and attempting to repair the pumps .
30 In the ‘ severely disadvantaged ’ LFA zone the rates of grant were changed in December 1984 to 50% for drainage ( formerly 70% ) and have been abolished for land cultivation ( formerly 50% ) though not for the reseeding of existing pasture ( where the new rate is 30% ) .
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