Example sentences of "[conj] [not/n't] [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Capital equipment ( except in expanding lines like cement ) and , to a large extent , labour employed , remain constant whether or not producing at full capacity .
2 It is noteworthy that old people may not always have a sense of choice about whether or not to go into residential care .
3 The XII Tables — whether or not modelled on Greek legislation — provided Rome with a written constitution of the Greek type .
4 Locke , although not opposed to corporal punishment as a final sanction , nor indeed for very young children of an age too tender to be reasoned with , in order to instil the necessary fear and awe that a child should have for an adult , strongly disapproved of beating once formal education had begun , just as he was equally opposed to bribing the child to work through material rewards .
5 The strikes and kicks , although not delivered with maximum power , as speed is more important , do land on the body with a certain amount of force .
6 Butland seems to have failed to appreciate that in the government reforms the general practitioner is the purchaser of services and the family health services authority 's role is to facilitate this and not to act as Big Brother .
7 For Gandhi , particular religions are necessary to convey what it might mean to speak of the one , true and perfect Religion which is beyond predication and not realized within finite existence .
8 Perhaps we could start by banishing that anachronism with which otherwise good arguments have been blemished , and not refer to mass consumption of manufactured goods before the twentieth century .
9 From Moscow , Mr Gorbachev is believed to have given personal orders that his troops should stay firmly in their East German barracks during recent demonstrations and not respond to local provocation .
10 A wooden disc box from Supplier Action : not a greenhouse gas producer and not made from tropical hardwood .
11 effective , permanent , and not beset by secondary effluent problems , a drawback of wet scrubbing and condensation techniques ; but there are disadvantages .
12 My uncle was already old , and not given to rash spending , indeed he carried his carefulness too far , and was something of a miser .
13 Bettinson is a man of considerable dignity , diplomatic and not given to emotional language .
14 Bettinson is a man of considerable dignity , diplomatic and not given to emotional language .
15 some sedatives ( to be used with caution and not recommended for regular use ) .
16 Conservationists believe the section of river has a particular geomorphological importance and want it to be allowed to meander naturally and not controlled by artificial flood defences .
17 It does mean that the way in which the case has been handled , the way in which it 's been approached , the cooperation between various departments in a particular office , has been done properly , and if the client has the opportunity of winning , he will win and not lose by sloppy work in his solicitor 's office .
18 You ca n't read this incident and not believe in sudden conversion .
19 Interestingly , they use the same term for aggression as the Buid , but give it precisely the opposite moral evaluation : ‘ A maisug person is combative and not deterred by physical danger and risk , one who has strong feelings and is not afraid to express them …
20 If it is thought that the exclusive jurisdiction of the visitor has outlived its usefulness , which I beg to doubt , then I think that it should be swept away by Parliament and not undermined by judicial review .
21 Ideally this water should be wrung out into another container and not mixed with fresh rinse water .
22 Heterotopia is less common than gastric metaplasia and not associated with duodenal inflammation or ulceration .
23 Undoubtedly many further proposals will be made for the use of forms of alternative dispute resolution in which case it will be important to assess their strengths and weaknesses on the basis of proper and specific evidence , if possible , and not rely upon anecdotal evidence or assumed propositions , in particular in relation to cost .
24 Unfortunately , as Ian Harper reveals in Personal Finance , that too places unconscionable constraints on those companies that wish to grow and more may be forced to follow Scottish Equitable 's example of doing a deal with a big external investor , if not go for wholesale demutualisation .
25 If not appeased with sufficient food , the Ogres attack the adventurers if they think that they can beat them .
26 The S S Bodegraven was an elderly steam freighter , serviceable for short hauls but not built for military action .
27 He told Sharpe his patrol was one of the many that daily scouted south to the French border and beyond ; this particular troop had been ordered to explore the villages south and east of Mons down as far as the Sambre , but not to encroach on Prussian territory .
28 An expression used in common speech , but not used in formal language .
29 While not objecting to centralized planning , proletarian dictatorship or the primacy of the Bolshevik Party , Trotsky strongly opposed the supplanting of the political by the bureaucratic-administrative , a process in which functionaries seek to solve all problems by purely administrative means ( Krygier 1978 ) .
30 Above them loomed densely clad peaks of mountains , often as not shrouded by swift-moving cloud .
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