Example sentences of "[conj] [is] [adv] [vb pp] on the " in BNC.

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1 The testimonium should therefore read as follows : IN WITNESS whereof this Deed has been executed by the parties hereto and is intended to be and is hereby delivered on the day first before written
2 While the writing of male white middle- or upper-class Christian writers is considered to have ‘ universal ’ relevance ( and is thus put on the curricula of university English departments ) , the work of writers outside that tradition is considered of ‘ local ’ rather than ‘ universal ’ relevance ( hence terms such as ‘ woman writer ’ or ‘ black writer ’ ) .
3 The road passes by the chapel and is soon joined on the left by a road coming from Ingleton and this offers an opportunity for a brief detour to see Deepdale .
4 Transend Pro is getting a bit long in the tooth and is easily eclipsed on the fax side by the ‘ lite ’ versions of fax software bundled with the other modems I looked at .
5 Hard cellulite : This is the toughest to deal with and is generally found on the thighs .
6 The product transported by long-distance piepline is ethylene , which is the most important of the petrochemical ‘ building blocks , ’ and is also made on the largest scale .
7 If given any choice in the matter , you should know that funded-in-advance schemes offer greater security but are not tax-efficient , as the employee has to make contributions out of his net income and is also taxed on the employer 's contributions as a benefit in kind .
8 This is the Harlequin Principle and is vividly expressed on the body of the harlequin sweetlips , a fish that appears to the eye as a collection of coral reef growths .
9 My Bill seeks to address these concerns , which are shared by millions , in a very constructive way and is entirely based on the Keep Sunday Special proposals on rest — meaning recreation , emergencies , social gatherings and travel .
10 The project is already underway and is apparently focused on the speed at which programs run .
11 The project is already under way and is apparently focused on the speed at which programs run .
12 This consists of acquiring firmlet F , a supplier or customer to C 's existing firmlet G , and is commonly justified on the grounds that the internalisation of such a relationship makes it more intimate , more dedicated , more secure and therefore more effective .
13 However , in this case a decision must be made and is often given on the flimsiest of grounds ( though that is not the fault of the refereeing panel ) .
14 It has flourished for well over 100 years and is always held on the first weekend in July .
15 He points to some of the planned sessions which together constitute a ‘ business stream ’ , beginning with an opening session which , he says , ‘ starts on the basis of , forget IT , what are the critical success factors of your business ? ’ , and is then followed on the next day by looking at how to manage for change by establishing an IT corporate policy .
16 A deadly nerve poison , it was once used as an animal poison but is now banned on the grounds that it kills with extreme cruelty .
17 This is similar to ‘ Futility ’ in the sense that Owen uses personal experience to get his message across but his is not so much about the pointlessness of war in general but is more focused on the individual soldier and the difference between death on the battlefield and death in your own town .
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