Example sentences of "[conj] [is] [verb] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Oh no er necessarily not , because er depending on the details of the er formula that all the words that er come out of the discussions today , er it 's got to be discussed by the members at grass-roots level , and if we 're not happy with it , we will be sticking to the action er certainly up until when the ballot is taken and if it is voted against er any deal that is struck at the moment , we will continue the action , and I think this will be not only in Oxfordshire , but up and down the country , the strength of feeling nationally is very strong .
2 So , viewers at home , do not hesitate , if you have even the slightest piece of useful data , hook up that modem and call , in complete confidence , our unmonitored SnitchLine on the number that is flashing at the bottom of your screen …
3 If the operator is in an aircraft that is flying at a height of 10000 m he can control a Telemine from a range of 500 km .
4 Currently ( 1993 ) there are some twenty million users worldwide of the most commonly used electronic network , Internet , a figure that is growing at a rate of ten percent per month .
5 Choose a sideshoot of the current year 's growth that is hardening at the base , then tear it away from the main stem with a sliver of wood .
6 Laughter is a means of expressing judgement that is directed at the characters who fail in some way in the text .
7 I must begin by rejecting a notion that is circulating at the moment that Christianity has only recently discovered the importance of green issues and has simply jumped on a topical band-wagon .
8 House of Commons leader , John Wakeham , who 's heading the committee that 's looking at the problem says it 's an issue which must be tackled locally .
9 I want to say the thing that 's happening at the moment in my difficult life that I 'd hold onto like a drowning man with a log .
10 They can not achieve it without aid on a much greater scale than is contemplated at the moment by anyone except the Germans .
11 KIRSTIE ARMSTRONG Kirstie Armstrong joined the company on 3rd October and is employed at the Port Desk .
12 Businessman Mr Kemp , 53 , sustained more minor injuries and is staying at the hospital to be with his wife .
13 The oblong inner is attached under the hexagonal shaped flysheet by elastic cords and toggles and is positioned at an angle to the flysheet doors .
14 If you 're knitting with the mylar sheet , it moves on at the start of the second row and is scanned at the end of the second row .
15 New look , pure cotton jersey t-shirt buttons down the front , has three-quarter length sleeves and is shaped at the hem .
16 The relevant concept is seen to be that choice , influencing cost , which is borne exclusively by the decision-maker , can not be shifted to others and is dated at the moment of the decision .
17 It was established in 1989 and is based at the Work West Enterprise Centre in Belfast .
18 The Festival continues until November 25 and is based at the Midlands Arts Centre but events take place throughout the city .
19 The ‘ 48-Lite ’ series of desktop machines comes with a colour screen and is aimed at the business market and it includes the new 78 MIPS , 27SPECint92 EWS4800/110LT which comes with NEC 's own 1,024 by 768 pixel colour thin film liquid crystal diode screen and is priced in the base configuration at $12,272 and the similarly-rated EWS4800/310 , which is the lowest priced Japanese version of System V.4.2 on a desktop RISC workstation , the diskless version being priced at $5,272 and the stand-alone configuration selling for $6,618 .
20 The ‘ 48-Lite ’ series of desktop machines comes with a colour screen and is aimed at the business market and it includes the new 78 MIPS , 27SPECint92 EWS4800/110LT which comes with NEC 's own 1,024 by 768 pixel colour thin film liquid crystal diode screen and is priced in the base configuration at $12,272 and the similarly-rated EWS4800/310 , which is the lowest priced Japanese version of System V.4.2 on a desktop RISC workstation , the diskless version being priced at $5,272 and the stand-alone configuration selling for $6,618 .
21 During this period a student normally attends courses in research methods and is required at the end of the period to submit a thesis embodying the results of his or her work .
22 The Hitachi array is expected to use quirky 6.5 ’ disk drives and is pitched at a market Hopkinton , Massachusetts-based EMC Corp has made its own with its Symmetrix product , which Gartner Group reckons may be taking as much as 10% of the current mainframe disk market .
23 The basic distinction is that income is a flow and therefore is measured per unit of time , whereas wealth is a stock and is measured at a point in time .
24 Our claim form includes advice on the action you may take if you intend to claim under the policy but we wish to emphasise that IF YOUR MOTOR CAR IS INSURED AGAINST DAMAGE and is IMMOBILISED AT THE REPAIRERS ' PREMISES your local Motor Claims Office will arrange for an inspection by an Engineer immediately on receiving details from you by telephone , whether the claim form has been completed or not .
25 The " ko " part announces ownership of a territory and is emitted at a frequency which other males can hear .
26 It has two patch pockets and is darted at the front to give a neat silhouette .
27 At a time when crime has doubled in this country and is increasing at a rate of 28 per cent .
28 The boundary between the core and the mantle is very sharp and is located at a depth of about 2900 km .
29 The Division is part of the Faculty of Science and Engineering and is located at the King 's Buildings .
30 Riva is the major resort on this , the largest lake in Italy , and is located at the base of magnificent cliffs just at the point where the River Sarca flows into the lake .
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