Example sentences of "[conj] [is] [verb] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 b , A square 70pc ( 0.5° ) on a side mapped at 1.4GHz shows a bright knot of emission at lower right known as Sgr A. The yellow dot in the red region is Sgr A , the compact nonthermal source that is believed to mark the nucleus .
2 Harkabi described the idea of a ‘ transfer ’ — the mass expulsion of Palestinians — as just the kind of project that is calculated to lend the struggle its absolute , ‘ existential ’ character .
3 In an initiative that is bound to influence the practice of corporate funding of contemporary art exhibitions in the United States the American Telephone and Telegraph Corporation announced last month that it will award grants totalling $500,000 to ten different museums .
4 Thus , after consulting with the telecommunications industry , the Justice Department has proposed legislation that is intended to preserve the ability of law enforcement officers to intercept conversations of people engaged in serious crime …
5 IBM Corp is planning to introduce new technology that is intended to increase the input-output transfer rate of the RS/6000 , helping eliminate bottlenecks between the microprocessor and disk drive .
6 And if there is still no president when the current assembly session expires in December 1990 , the very mechanism that is intended to ensure the continuation of the Lebanese state will cease to exist .
7 The chances are they are not going to be changed again in a hurry and to saddle ourselves with something that is going to allow the development and perpetuation of something which most of us hero would call bad and unacceptable practice in care of the elderly with dementia , would be a totally retrograde step .
8 Asked by an exit pollster which way he had cast his vote , he replied : ‘ I voted for the party that is going to run the country for the next five years . ’
9 ‘ Engage neutral and the handbrake at roundabouts ’ : an interesting proposal for a road feature that is designed to speed the flow of traffic by advising road users to ‘ give way ’ rather than ‘ stop ’ .
10 Though a diligent search of the green mist that is starting to hide the larch branches fails to find a listening hen , he presumably knows what he is doing .
11 Satellite communications provide a way round this , and now Iridium Inc — a company founded recently by a consortium of companies including Motorola Inc — is to place a constellation of 66 satellites around the earth , costing $3,000m , for a commercial service that is expected to span the globe by 1998 .
12 Satellite communications provide a way round this , and now Iridium Inc — a company founded recently by a consortium of companies including Motorola Inc — is to place a constellation of 66 satellites around the earth , costing $3bn , for a commercial service that is expected to span the globe by 1998 .
13 The implementation and assessment that is needed to implement the Care Programme Approach has moved on to allow the introduction of a comprehensive care management system .
14 The situation is now so critical that the very structure that is needed to use the aid effectively has disintegrated .
15 An important part of the effort at each centre will be devoted to technical issues relating to the development of the software that is needed to make the information more accessible to potential users .
16 Mr Ryabov 's defection will give them enough votes to block the two-thirds majority that is needed to change the constitution .
17 You need to ask not only whether the actual care is specifically designed for that individual , but also whether it is given at a time that is chosen to suit the person , and possibly family and friends who may be involved .
18 Based on 10 Megabit ethernet cards which support most kinds of ethernet backbones ( the type of cabling system that is used to connect the network up ) Mainlan is not too difficult to install , although you do really require a basic knowledge of memory configurations in PCs to get the best out of it .
19 Comparative analysis is an international marketing research technique that is used to analyse the effectiveness of marketing expenditures .
20 The line that is used to attach the boom to the mast .
21 As with the passport photograph that is used to verify the identity of the subject and which functions like the signature in official documents , this function of the face can be detected in traditional portraiture where the face on the canvas is there to represent the true likeness of the model .
22 Also avoid tinned foods , because the phenolic resin that is used to line the tin can contaminate the food .
23 The thick piece of rope that is used to raise the rig in the water .
24 A few examples of recent projects undertaken in different parts of the country may help to illustrate the innovative nature of much of the Trust 's work , and the care that is taken to respect the integrity and character of each property as well as to enhance the benefit that each one can offer to the nation .
25 One to watch … the town that 's bound to grab the election headlines .
26 And they can look at the horn and they can look at these things and they can look this is weld which is the herb that 's used to produce the green the yellow of the green .
27 Yeah but I want it for the men that 's going to alter the gas .
28 They do n't seem to be a vehicle that 's going to get the truth out .
29 Okay , Health Master , is that the plan that 's going to fit the bill .
30 This is hot enough for fusion to occur but so far they have been unable to confine the hot plasma long enough and at high enough densities to generate more energy from fusion than is used to keep the machine working in the first place .
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