Example sentences of "[conj] [vb infin] her [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 If Saint Winifred did indeed conceive and decree her departure with the wagon for Ramsey , and if a saint 's plans can not be disrupted by man , then surely she must also have willed all that happened after … the ambush by outlaws , the theft of the cart and team , the abandonment of the load , and with it , her reliquary , to be found by my tenants , and brought to me here .
2 On Friday , Paula , whose writing emphasises the sound of language , demonstrated how she uses electronic technology to project and enhance her voice during the performance of her work .
3 She had not time to dress and make her way to the Casa Guidi .
4 Robbie had to fight down an impulse to reach out and run her fingers over the dark mat .
5 She made Maggie kneel down and lean her head over the bathtub , just as she had when Maggie had to have her hair washed as a little child .
6 The water was cool and refreshing ; Melissa found it a relief to stretch and exercise her limbs after the hours spent poring over books .
7 ‘ And because poor Karen 's got to go and hide her bushel in the Isle of Man .
8 It was some time before she could gather her forces sufficiently to stand up and rest her hands on the chill white plaster of the window embrasure .
9 He had told Sandra to go and get her things from the lodge and go .
10 Aunt Sarah did not so much as lift her head from the rug she was making , but Ruth watched the way the rug hook stabbed the canvas with increased speed and vigour , as if she wanted to hurt it , and Ruth knew that her aunt was as tense as she was herself .
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