Example sentences of "[conj] [vb infin] [adv] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Behaviour can help or hinder just like a hammer that can be used to construct or destroy .
2 It is essential to keep good records to pursue or respond effectively to a claim , a matter which is covered in detail in chapter 7 .
3 For example , you could jog or walk briskly for a mile or two for one exercise session ; use an exercise tape for another session ; and participate in something different like weight-training , or cycling , or a ball or racket game , for a third session in the week .
4 To talk or confer together concerning a thing .
5 A minority government formed by Labour or the Conservatives would , he maintained , create instability and uncertainty rather than work constructively for a partnership government which would last for a parliament .
6 ‘ I thought I 'd come and stay here for a bit .
7 My parents are going to France at Christmas and erm I do n't wan na go with them really and nor does Digby so he , Digby 's gon na come and stay just for a bit and my house it has to be empty and Foxy 's coming round to stay .
8 What luxury to go and bathe there after a day in the outdoors !
9 This is a leader who has evangelistic gifts , is essentially outward looking , as well as having the ability to lead and relate well to a team .
10 The aim of Heidrick and Struggles ' approach is to build a team that can truly work and integrate together over a number of years .
11 A charcuterie in Aurillac or Vic-sur-Cère or some other small but locally important town will possibly provide a pâté the like of which you never tasted before , or a locally cured ham , a few slices of which you will buy and carry away with a salad , a kilo of peaches , a bottle of Monbazillac and a baton of bread , and somewhere on a hillside amid the mile upon mile of golden broom or close to a splashing waterfall you will have , just for once , the ideal picnic .
12 With the redundancy I have time to go and search properly for a job . ’
13 Seconds later they heard the Armstrong start and move away with a screech of tyres .
14 It 's important to get the feeling of weight , et the balance of it right , not make it too light , as if it could rise up and float away like a feather .
15 It 's important to get the feeling of weight , et the balance of it right , not make it too light , as if it could rise up and float away like a feather .
16 In fact , with your permission , I 'll start now and stop here for a while .
17 I often feel like I could pack up and go home for a holiday in Ireland .
18 The very young inmates at Bohorok had to be taught a surprising number of basic skills , such as how to climb and walk upright on a branch , things they would normally have learned from their mothers .
19 The emphasis in the first two years in the English classroom is on consolidating basic linguistic competence and ensuring that the pupils can read , comprehend and write effectively for a variety of purposes , including imaginative , argumentative and reflective writing .
20 Some mothers can enjoy and care well for a baby in arms , but are disturbed by and neglectful of a toddler who starts to express independence and move away as well as towards .
21 I do n't think anyone will go and gamble though on a lot changing in six months , which is the immediate problem , and you co
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