Example sentences of "[conj] [to-vb] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Usually , carrying out a search creates a new list of files , but you can choose either to add to the list found so far , or to search only in the list that has already been selected .
2 After deciding we like a band , we would consider whether to make singles with an option for an album , or to go straight for an album .
3 Terrorists and other criminals must not be allowed to escape justice or to retire abroad with the proceeds of their crime .
4 Yet vestigial gestures towards value persist , usually at the end of an exposition , where the critic in a final flourish claims , or at least hopes , that something valuable has emerged from the analysis ; a revelation of the quality of the author 's imagination ; or of the inevitable tendency of all texts to be about their own processes of composition , or to come apart in the reader 's hand ; or of the aesthetic fascination of the patterns of imagery that have been revealed ; or , at the very least , and least interestingly , that something ‘ interesting ’ will have been said .
5 Although Mary herself was never to return to the town above the Jed Water or to venture again into the valley of the Liddel Water , her tragic history was soon to involve others in the turmoil of Liddesdale .
6 In any case , there are almost certain to be many transactions which are difficult to discover or to understand merely from the books and papers of the company .
7 Little attempt is made to treat like situations in a like manner or to act consistently within a framework of judicial analysis .
8 It is good for leaders to be aware of these if only to see that to gather together towards the Lord may take some time .
9 One underlying issue , however , troubles me , Throughout there is the implication that to partake wittingly in an arms race is a perversion of science — as the conclusions say , ‘ the role of scientists in the arms race is of crucial importance .
10 Our understanding is that the Scottish Office brief is far wider than to look only at the promotion of Scotland as a destination .
11 He saw his election as a mandate to move Civic Forum to the right of the political spectrum and to proceed rapidly to a market economy .
12 Patients were also instructd to eat at 1 pm and 8 pm and to remain upright during the day and to be supine from 10 pm to 8 am .
13 The exercise of accountability , and of professional judgement , by their very definitions require much more in-depth knowledge , and the ability to analyse and evaluate information , and to relate both to the care of individuals and to client groups .
14 You will need the ability to initiate and carry out original research and to work effectively in a team .
15 If this is the case it might be much more effective to scrap the mailing and to talk personally to the journalists concerned .
16 The family stopped at major towns along the route — Munich , Augsburg , Ludwigsburg , Schwetzingen , Mainz , Frankfurt and Koblenz — for the children to give concerts and to play privately for the aristocracy .
17 To reflect on that match and to look forward to the Oxfordshire Cup Final between Henley and Oxford , Adam Hollingworth is joined by Ray Tapper , the Oxford coach , and Nigel Dudding , the Henley club captain .
18 The importance of such skills in enabling school-leavers to present themselves with confidence and to function effectively within the world of work and as responsible citizens is clear .
19 In planning , as elsewhere , there is a tendency to deal thoroughly with those areas that seem amenable to our procedures and to deal superficially with the others .
20 Of course , to court imprisonment , and to submit voluntarily to the penalties imposed by the state could be construed as in implicit recognition of the right of the state to impose those penalties and , therefore , to play into the hands of an unjust regime .
21 Because a decline in the value of the pound against that of other currencies would aggravate the condition , the Government is constrained to try to maintain that value ; and to do so by the inducement of very high rates of interest .
22 If he was to rule as well as reign he himself had to overthrow Mortimer and Isabella and to do so in a way which would not enhance the power of the magnates .
23 That Peel , leading the Tory opposition , recognised that the Whigs ' Bill would in the short run unite the middle and lower classes in support of the Government is one thing ; to infer from this that Grey and his team deliberately set out both to counter the threat of revolution and to do so in a way which would ultimately isolate the working class , quite another .
24 The important point to remember is that all the sub-units are needed if the production function is to meet its aim of providing the goods required by its customers , and to do so in a way that meets the profit , growth and other objectives of the organization as a whole .
25 A wide variety of things could be construed as ‘ approaching ’ violence but to use that expression while condemning the violence of the previous day and to do so in a critique of Paisley while failing to mention the Cromac Square rioters is to exaggerate .
26 This probably resulted from the fall in sea level during the glacial period , which would have exposed more land around the continent , allowing the mantle to spread over a wider continent , to cover what is now shallow sea-bed , and to thicken inland along the line of the present coast .
27 Much work will be necessary to help voluntary organisations devise appropriate funding structures , to support and an increasingly central role in service provision , and to respond effectively to the outcome of the government 's efficiency scrutiny .
28 In establishing a relationship to undertake some form of direct social work , the worker is above all learning to communicate , and to respond accurately to the communications received .
29 A procedure adopted by some authorities to estimate recurrent expenditure is to assume that user needs and the number of new titles required are fairly constant and to allow simply for an increase in the price of materials .
30 This initiative has been designed to encourage best practice , to be responsive to both recent and future legislation , and to interface cleanly with the systems adopted by the Group 's customers .
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