Example sentences of "[conj] [to-vb] [pron] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Many of the diplomas and certificates offered by the University are intended to prepare students for a particular career path , or to enhance their prospects in the career they have already chosen by extending their knowledge and developing their skills .
2 It is often very tempting , after a pint or more , to tell your journalist friend a secret or two " off the record " or to air your grievances about the organisation for which you work .
3 The regarders , like the verderers , were frequently amerced at Forest Eyres for failure to carry out their duties to the satisfaction of the judges — for failing to appear with the other regarders to make the regard , or to take the regarders ' oath , or to present their rolls of the regard on the first day of the Forest Eyre , or for losing their rolls , or for incompleteness in their returns .
4 China refused to sign an ‘ unofficial ’ treaty , or to change its guidelines on the treatment Taiwanese investors should receive — which is more favourable than that offered many foreign investors .
5 Perhaps he was waiting for Gabriel to make a bolt for freedom , or to denounce his masters from the stage as murderers and charlatans .
6 It existed to ‘ speak for artists and art organisations , to offer them advice , to argue for them and to champion their interests in the media and to government whenever and wherever the need may arise ’ .
7 Though now , as Liz recited names of guests , she saw Charles drift away into what she took to be some private realm of financial speculation and morose managerial debate : he started to bite the inside of his lip , as he did when preoccupied , and to drum his fingers on the silvery-yellow brocade of the settee .
8 It is impossible to get the Holy Spirit taped , and to fit his movements in the Acts into any tidy ecclesiastical or doctrinal pattern .
9 It is , indeed , quite a common occurrence for a government to have second thoughts about a Bill during or after its progress through the Commons and to use its supporters in the House of Lords to make the changes in a Bill then seen to be desirable .
10 It is theoretically possible in each case to work out the maximum sustainable yield , and to determine which classes of the animal — superfluous young ones , superfluous males , old ones — can safely be caught without damaging the stocks .
11 Now it is hoping to take shares in another quartet of carriers and to spread its wings into the world 's biggest single airline market , the United States .
12 I was very interested to learn more about Barclays ' methods of training these days and to get your views on the materials supplied , particularly videos .
13 If Britain was to avoid future wars , she had to strengthen her economic and military position and to develop her relations with the Empire in order to deter would-be aggressors .
14 Far more dramatic than his 1625 Cavendish monument at Edensor , here he has Denham resembling a semi-nude Donne , for the top-knotted winding-sheet has lost its pins and slipped off the body as his reinvigorated corpse steps out of a coffin , his left hand raised as if to shield his eyes from the brilliance of the Second Coming .
15 However , there are a number of things you can do at home to keep the coat healthy and to minimise your trips to the salon .
16 The aim of this project is to use the APL process to assess the management competences of a group of managers against the recently developed standards and to link their achievements to the HNC in Management .
17 Cheshire County Council wants to sell Appleton House Assessment Centre in Upton , Chester , and to move its residents to the Gorse Hill home for the mentally handicapped in Blacon .
18 I like to say what I have to say in as few words as possible and to lay my cards on the table for all to see .
19 Well I think that it must be recognised that the current state of demand and supply is going to make it very difficult for most applicants , and we would be concerned to advise them not to panic unduly as a result of that , and to make their choices on the sort of rational criteria that would apply in any year .
20 In the ninth century the monks ( who lived on the south side ) built the more southerly of the two towers which still adorn the church , and from this tower the bells summoned the faithful to attend their masses and to make their contributions to the monks ' support .
21 What sustains him is the comfort he derives from the spiritual world of the Indian , as he escapes the alienating environment of the school to listen to Quechua music and to renew his bonds with the magical world of nature , but his experiences call into question the effectiveness of Quechua values in the white world in which he must live .
22 Lucy went — and as she walked back to the office she wondered what had got into her to cause such unruliness of her tongue and to bring her claws to the surface .
23 In order to simplify access to the data , a set of computer programs enables prospective users of the data not only to obtain data , but to tailor their excerpts from the database precisely to their own requirements .
24 The president is taking the key decision as to whether to increase his forces in the Gulf and to switch from a defensive to an offensive posture .
25 The difficulties arise in attempting to devise a formula that will distribute the grant so as to equalise its effects on the needs and resources of all local authorities .
26 As one jaundiced critic put it in 1733 : " A set of brocaded tradesmen cloathed in purple and fine linen , and faring sumptuously every day , raising to themselves immense wealth , so as to marry their daughters to the first rank , and leave their sons such estates as to enable them to live in the same degree .
27 Partnerships had enabled the use of community schools at Liphook and Bordon to be run so as to offer their facilities to the public throughout the year , and the new methods had reduced the inevitable deficit of the sports centre to well below the national average .
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