Example sentences of "[conj] [pos pn] [noun] [vb past] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Again , although I visited her regularly , taking little presents ; remembered her birthday and saw to it that her sons did the same ; looked after her once when she was ill ; and respected my husband 's love for her , I did not take much notice of her suggestions : ‘ My mother seems to think …
2 At times the broadcasters themselves did not really understand the significance of what they were broadcasting , so it was hardly surprising that their listeners took the same view : enthusiasm , and the lack of it , are equally infectious .
3 I 'm just like my mum , when it comes down to it , That 's why I quite admired Auntie Muriel , in a guarded sort of way I 'd think , I really should try to be like her , she was so content , nothing ever fazed her , I did n't want to be a farmer , understand , but I did n't want to be like mum either , tied to a feckless man , trying to keep him and me , having to hustle all the time to stop from sinking I fancied myself on a corporate asteroid , settling down with someone who would cherish me and buy me everything I wanted Carmen and her crew had the same ideas , even if they acted like they were going to be bad girls for ever ,
4 How soon would it be until her prince felt the same way ?
5 There is evidence that it became the practice for individuals to be named after the day on which they were born and that couples were not allowed to marry if their birthdays had the same numeral .
6 He waved frantically , and his sister did the same .
7 He 'd picked up the baby and held her while Ma gave her the medicine , and his face had the same look as when Billy had fallen in the river .
8 And why , if his enemy had the same thought in mind , should he toss it back to him so carelessly ?
9 But her mother had the same sort of chin .
10 Able to see by lights from their pit helmets , the trapped miners cut the pipe at their end of the blockage while their rescuers did the same , pumping through fresh air by fan .
11 Carter had advocated deregulation , but he approached reform via legislation whereas his successor sought the same end primarily through administrative action .
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