Example sentences of "[conj] [adv prt] of the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The investment weightings of the portfolio have continued to show an overwhelming bias towards publishing , which has accounted for 75% or over of the whole portfolio since June 1991 .
2 But the underlying idea of being at a loose end , or out of the practical swim , is a different matter altogether .
3 During the next few days I lived in terror , doors locked , ready to fly — to leave through the front door if Aunt Louise came to the back , or out of the back door if I saw her coming down the path .
4 The management of the economy through fiscal policy is assisted by the multiplier which magnifies any injection of expenditures or leakages of income into or out of the circular flow .
5 Twenty years back he must have been the most exciting man any girl could hope to meet , in or out of the British Army .
6 You could say that out of the simple song there came the poem capable of expressing in a short length deep thoughts .
7 To tell my story : because I was very conscious that out of the static situation of the servant being the one who was menacing the Judge I had to make an ongoing story .
8 It was not , as has been suggested , the popularity of the style among competitors which forced the judges to award a preponderance of prizes to designs in this style , as an examination of Clarke 's catalogue and the lists in various journals shows that out of the wide variety of stylistic appellations , it was largely those described as French Renaissance which were awarded prizes .
9 How interesting it was , thought Dyson , how extraordinarily intriguing , to find that out of the whole team the only one who was actually turning up trumps was himself .
10 Cranston made the man repeat the message as he reluctantly took than out of the main hall and up the wide , spacious stairs to one of the duke 's private chambers .
11 I think personalised shirts , or even any shirts may be asking for trouble if we are going to mingle rather than just get herded in and out of the away enclosure .
12 Out of this fundamental rationale , and out of the geographical proximity to Japan of colonies or potential colonies , grew a distinct set of colonial policies .
13 Not only is traffic on their motorways obstructing lorries going in and out of the vast Europoort , but public opposition to air pollution and the taking of scarce land for new roads is intense .
14 While their fingers flew in and out of the earthy heap of beans Rose and Victorine talked .
15 Or those three set apart , exceptional , and out of the straight line altogether ’ .
16 I walked out of the office and out of the European Cup .
17 The dancers inside the inn were all fetched to the door by Garvey roaring with demented laughter , slapping his thighs and reeling in and out of the streaming rain .
18 Other committee members were in and out of the new Law Centre , holding meetings , planning strategy , contacting people with wide experience of the sort of situation they found themselves in , and collating information .
19 If he cracks down on you , London would crack down on all the fringe people who go in and out of the Soviet network there .
20 Rayleigh and Jeans , who did their calculations by different methods , had both supposed that the energy seeped in and out of the black body in a perfectly continuous way .
21 In addition shipping into and out of the Jordanian port of Aqaba was seriously disrupted and remittance and aid income from both Iraq and Kuwait halted .
22 The crazy party lifted Sundays up and out of the traditional gloom .
23 Celia had been in and out of the Meadhaven Clinic three times now .
24 They were the ones nipping in and out of the general ruck , tapping ankles , trying to spray-paint out the windows and one of them even trying to set fire to a bunch of leaflets stuffed through Naamen 's letter-box .
25 Lord Joseph is now 71 , in the House of Lords and out of the political fray .
26 ‘ I 'm up and down the stairs and in and out of the bloody shelter like a hen on a hot griddle .
27 He did not come in the dawning , he did not come at noon ; And out of the tawny sunset , before the rise o " the moon , when the road was a gypsy 's ribbon , looping the purple moor , A red-coat troop came marching
28 I saluted then watched him as he barged along the corridor and out of the front door .
29 Her elation took her into her clothes , back to the kitchen to leave Phoebe a scrawled memo , and out of the front door .
30 Coffin saw him down the staircase and out of the front door , where they stood , still talking .
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