Example sentences of "[conj] [vb -s] [pron] with a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She is sharply aware of changing social patterns , but neither resents them , like the portraits on the wall , nor approves them with an automatic word like ‘ progress ’ .
2 They do n't really contribute as much as they could , so that leaves me with an awful lot of space .
3 ( Some pocket calculators will do this ; otherwise one obtains a random integer of 5 or 6 digits from a random number table and precedes it with a decimal point . )
4 But on second thoughts he erases the remark , and replaces it with a slight smile .
5 This resistance is controlled in effective value by an error amplifier which takes a signal from an error detector and compares it with a stable reference voltage , often derived from a Zener diode or a bandgap device .
6 So what you would see is the machine , as it were , engaging the patient in a much more perhaps conversational mode and with much more feedback and response to the way in which the patient is answering the questions or behaving , rather than just , as it were , a machine which elicits information from the patient and compares it with a statistical set of data .
7 This closes the opponent off and presents you with a good opportunity to continue the block into the opponent 's face .
8 Perhaps the real star of the show is Annette Markert who , as the heroine Elmira , as some of the opera 's most interesting arias and advocates them with a sublime realism .
9 The existence of a well organized labour movement and a socialist or communist party alerts new generations of workers to their distinct interests , and provides them with a political language .
10 Furthermore , as we shall see shortly , the individualistic fallacy obscures an obvious but usually unasked question and , in so doing , rules out of court the answer to it which , as I hope to show , solves in large measure one of the fundamental problems of the social sciences and provides us with an unparalleled insight into the social psychopathology of present-day life .
11 Because he bows , lifts my lace handkerchief ( sensitively dropped by yours truly ) and returns it with a flattering smile .
12 At its best the structure of one of his perorations follows this pattern : he begins with a general statement and summarises it with an accessible example ; then he moves to a narrower statement and concludes with a final example taken from everyday life .
13 You will then be visited about every five days by a nurse who collects the milk and leaves you with a fresh supply of bottles .
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