Example sentences of "[conj] [vb -s] [pron] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ACT is now a separate computer maintenance company that was split off from Apricot before it was bought by Mitsubishi , the Japanese conglomerate that produces everything from the four-wheel Shogun to equally rugged Nikon cameras .
2 ‘ It is the quest of our ego that drives us along the eternal and never-ending journey we must all explore … what am I ?
3 Female sexuality and reproduction were seen particularly as representative of the mortality that separates us from the eternal and binds us to temporal corruptible life .
4 The latter declares *John was seen leave ungrammatical because the embedded clause seen leave is " unsupported " , i.e. constitutes " a subject — predicate sequence that exhibits none of the internal inflectional structures of a full sentence or clausal complementation " ( i.e. neither tense , nor infinitival to , nor progressive -ing ) , whereas John was seen to leave is said to be grammatical because here leave is " supported " ( by to ) , and can therefore serve as an argument for the verb see ( pp. 123 – 4 ) .
5 It is this ability to produce flowers throughout the summer and early autumn that ranks them with the true annuals when it comes to creating the most colourful and long lasting planting schemes .
6 between different production systems , institutions , schemes and social organisations in which business enterprises figure prominently but are nonetheless only one component of a network that links them with the educational system , the technological infrastructure , management/labour relations , the relations between the public and private sectors , and the financial system .
7 Initial domiciliary assessments are carried out by either a medical or a non-medical team member by using a semistructured schedule that guides them through the various clinical , functional , social , and other components of the assessment .
8 Even if I did n't have a job that keeps me at the other end of the country for most of the year , this sort of place could n't provide a living .
9 One has to travel through the middle of Cardiff , or through a curious maze that takes one off the western approaches , along the new dockland link road .
10 The acquisition of a skill is a tortuous process that takes us through the following sequence :
11 Then the reader 's fingernail will be able to produce the scent of clematis that wafts in through my window , the foie gras that awaits me at lunch , the liquid inspiration that gets me through the final paragraph .
12 Their new single , Family , includes all these elements and could be the one that breaks them into the big time .
13 Although we do not yet have a proper quantum theory of gravity , let alone one that unifies it with the other physical interactions , we do have an idea of some of the features it should have .
14 It is the overdetermined character of the materialist dialectic that distinguishes it from the Hegelian dialectic .
15 The answer is that this third human state has a special feature that distinguishes it from the other two ( the inner and the outer states ) in that it is a zone for cultural experience or creative playing .
16 MURDER , love affairs , violence , robberies , mounting debts … our soap operas are packed full of every gloomy scenario that surrounds us in the real world .
17 That remi you 've C Cynthia saying that reminds me of the other thing that came out in feedback .
18 The break with this structure of belonging can be announced only through a certain organisation , a certain strategic arrangement which , within the field of metaphysical opposition , uses the strengths of the field to turn its own stratagems against it , producing a force of dislocation that spreads itself throughout the entire system , fissuring it in every direction and thoroughly delimiting it .
19 In the latter case there is the additional difficulty when children hear words pronounced in a way that disconnects them from the written form .
20 Frodo the Ring bearer does not really want to carry the Ring and offers it to the elf-queen Galadriel .
21 Aptly named Swing Shift , John Frieda takes looks of the past and transforms them into the sleek , set styles of today — with a little from modern technology of course !
22 Human computation is wonderfully sensitive to context ; it captures the spirit in the message and turns it into the appropriate letters .
23 In particular , he suggests that the educational system has a marked effect on the production and reproduction of scientific knowledge , and criticizes it for the ahistorical way in which it teaches scientific problems , theories , experiments and proofs .
24 I have carried out several privatisations in my time in commercial and industrial departments , and my understanding of the word privatisation is that one takes something currently managed in the public sector and transfers it to the private sector — the last such transfer in which I was engaged involved British Steel .
25 Discussion — which develops conclusions and incorporates them into the historical pattern of evolving knowledge , perhaps offering some conjectures but avoiding speculation .
26 It draws magical power from the War Altar and passes it into the Grand Theogonist .
27 The landlord collects the charge on the basis of the number of days a person has been resident and passes it to the local authority .
28 For instance , when the accountant produces the band 's first accounts , and files them with the Inland Revenue , the invoices for the band 's musical equipment may need to be produced so that the accountant may obtain tax relief for these items , although they were purchased in the first stage of a band 's life .
29 first finds the key of the record found at the beginning of the selected trail and establishes it as the current record .
30 last finds the key of the record found by the end of the selected trail and establishes it as the current record .
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