Example sentences of "[conj] [was/were] [vb pp] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 As it does , old divisions that were welded over by the fight against communism will reappear .
2 Riven was already thinking of bright hearths and warm beds as they made their way along the summits , following Bicker in single file now , their mounts ' hoofs throwing up bobbles of snow that were swept away into the air as quickly as they were kicked up .
3 He tried to tear himself away from them , but they seemed to draw him in , seeming to darken as if they were wells that were dug deep beyond the limit of the sun 's rays .
4 Her gaze skimmed over the fishing rods and tackle that were stored neatly against the side wall , and kept in place by a solid retaining bar .
5 So I think the the Eurofighter team has learned from the mistakes that were made originally in the allocation of the work and the way in which it was handled and they are now putting it right .
6 Well , we 've sorted through the heads that were sent in to the studio , and we 're real pleased to report that Jackson 's was indeed among them .
7 But even that was a better success rate than among the nests that were built away from the colony .
8 He 's in one of those Victorian institutions that were built out in the countryside so the inmates would n't contaminate decent citizens .
9 I was sure he knew I could barely contain myself or restrain my trembling fingers that longed to run their tips along the insides of those meaty thighs that were spreadeagled enticingly over the edge of his seat .
10 The rain fell in tiny , miserable droplets that were blown about by the wind .
11 The College has been much criticised for failing to produce more than one volume of the Transactions that were required annually by the original constitution .
12 The strategies , and the weapons designed for them , that were acted out on the north German plains bore a marked resemblance to the actual experience of the second world war .
13 No clear distinction could yet be made between the wholesale and retail trades that were carried on in the ‘ shops ’ in the historic centre of the city .
14 he had hard all about the long sorties that were carried out by the Washingtons , so he was quite chuffed that his trip was for only three hours .
15 But the one that were carted out on the fields , they were left with the leaves on because the cattle ate the leave as well .
16 He made films that were designed basically for the drive-in movie , to be glimpsed between clinches .
17 sales that were left over from the open show , three pound thirty fourteen pound ten for the collection , now that is as you see , that is over from last year last year the table show so we actually have double the number of entries on the bench this year which is a healthy sign
18 Bill Lawrence , his eyes gleaming with the hunting passion , pounced on the fragments of encrusted ceramic and bone that were left behind in the police sieves , and Gus industriously entered their location in his graph , and sketched in each layer of masonry as it emerged .
19 Most of them are sandstones or limestones that were laid down at the bottom of the shallow seas that once covered this part of North America .
20 Three thousand men worked here once , producing slates that were shipped all over the world from the specially built Port Dinorwic on the Menai Strait .
21 For example , as far back as 1923 a sub-committee of the Committee of Imperial Defence had looked into the distribution of doctors , dentists and hospital services in a future war ( in effect , tasks that were taken up by the Emergency Medical Service in 1938 ) , and air raid precautions had been discussed within Whitehall since 1924 by the Air Raid Precautions Committee of the Committee of Imperial Defence ( which relinquished responsibility for this to the Home Office in 1935 )
22 But the asinine policies that were brought through in the th er in the Thatcher era they still are here with us , no matter how they try to get shut of them , the poll tax which has been referred to by Councillor is confusion at its best .
23 One of the one of the difficulties is that that that theatres up and down the country have faced over the last two years of the new target that were brought in with the eighty eight education act where schools were not allowed to make a charge it could only be a voluntary contribution now the council of Great Britain have looked at this it 's a problem cos of this decimated schools audiences .
24 As for Mr 's point that Not Mr b Steven 's point that the erm figures for the strategic guidance for West and South Yorkshire were done on a different basis , those figures with the exception of Sheffield , were erm figures that were put in by the local planning authorities , the Secretary of State accepted those figures , they were done on the nineteen eighty five based household projections , coupled with different assumptions about vacancy rates and demolitions etcetera , and the Secretary of State accepted those figures .
25 The numerous non-manufacturing subsidiaries ( such as travel agencies , restaurants and computer software firms ) that were set up in the late 1980s are most vulnerable .
26 Anywhere that was obviously occupied he drove on past , as he did with any place that was exposed or too close to the main road , but deserted-looking buildings on village outskirts and elevated rows that were set back from the road generally rated at least a circling-around and a second look .
27 The next few issues of Amnesty will cover the changes that were voted in by the ICM in detail , however , a summary of the major changes is useful :
28 It included several hamlets and scattered farms within its bounds as well as the village that was clustered close to the church and the ruined castle .
29 It does not have this appearance , however , and it may simply be a copy that updates but generally reproduces one that was written in about the 1270s by or for Richard of Haldingham .
30 The jeep stopped at a caravan that was situated just off the path and under two trees .
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