Example sentences of "[conj] [was/were] [pron] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Did you intend them as a short-term loan , retrievable when your contract with Sarella was over , or was it more in the line of outright theft ?
2 " The boy ; they were n't there when we went in nor were they around on the two occasions I checked the street , not were they there when I accompanied the doctor to the cab . "
3 He also held , dubiously , that were it not for the corruptions imposed by state and law , men would develop bonds of instinctive solidarity which would make government unnecessary .
4 It is tempting to speculate that were it not for the onset of the protracted illness in February 1858 Which led to his death in September 1859 , his influence might have produced a very different outcome to the competition .
5 It is our understanding that were it not for the contact that was made by the state lottery with Scientific Games , that they would be a bidder , the Scientific Games system is a good system .
6 It is strange to consider that were it not for the intervention of Conservative industrialists , the proposals in this Bill could have been far worse .
7 It should be pointed out , though , that were it not for the attacks through evolutionary time of these herbivores , there would be none of the commercially significant heartwoods , latexes and resins so useful to humans .
8 Nor was there much in the way of a social structure .
9 Nor was it only on the great party issues of the day that Whig–Tory divisions emerged in the House ; the same was true even on more mundane matters , where no great issue of party principle was at stake .
11 Some forms ( Turrilites ) adopted the helical spire , and were it not for the obligatory suture lines it might be possible to mistake these species for large gastropods .
12 I fancy that across the channel where Napoleon 's wars were ravaging all Europe , our two innkeepers fell flat as pancakes , and were it not for the felicities of their translator they would scarcely be worth comment .
13 No mean problem , this , in a time largely deafened to such sober music , and were it not for the incomparable examples of Spenser and Milton , he might finally have despaired ; but what they in their day had achieved for their grave themes ought ( he had long believed ) to be possible for the richer store of myth and symbol at his disposal ; and now the lines had begun to move with the majesty he desired .
14 In this fieldworker 's experience , boundaries between parishes are frequently very unimpressive , often no different to general field boundaries in the vicinity , and were it not for the fact that the boundary line is known , the field evidence would in many cases not suggest it .
15 But were it not for the perceived economic might of a more unified Economic Community , the dozen or so nations of the Pacific Rim , who have been meeting in Australia , might not have bothered .
16 She was informed , as was everyone else in the council statement , that Mr Clayton would have had no access to the sort of information quoted in the paper .
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