Example sentences of "[conj] [was/were] [pron] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Or was it part of the film ?
2 The government subsidy made it likely that the staff of the two papers were less worried about pushing up sales than were their counterparts on the then Lonrho-owned Standard .
3 ‘ Come on , ’ he said and they both left Steed parked there and made their way to the twisted and bent railing that was his door to the family .
4 The batch approach to information-giving that was our experience of the NHS contrasted markedly with the sympathetic sharing of advice and counsel from the NCT .
5 In this sense ancient people were artists as they lived their whole lives in harmony with the Earth , but were they artists in the more conventional sense ?
6 Independent Television undermined the BBC 's historical sense of privilege and security : with less than 30% of the national audience — it went down to 27% in the 1950s — the BBC 's position as the main instrument of broadcasting was clearly threatened , as were its claims to the full licence fee .
7 Important as were his contacts with the Frankish rulers for his preaching in Hesse and Thuringia , he could scarcely bring himself to share the company of the fast-living Frankish bishops whom he met at court — Milo of Trier ‘ and others like him ’ , as he said dismissively — until his mentor , Bishop Daniel of Winchester , had to cite to him texts from Augustine and the Bible against separating oneself from sinners and in favour of dissimulation .
8 The role of Australia in all this is particularly important , as was its role in the successful campaign eventually to get a moratorium .
9 As was his stumbling across the secret technique of effecting invisibility .
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