Example sentences of "[conj] [was/were] [verb] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He drove through the backstreets , and the quieter residential boulevards , where people had either ignored the date and retired to sleep , or were celebrating it in the privacy of their homes .
2 Towards the end of his playing career when he was with Hibs and contemplating a move to the Orlando Lions , a short lived soccer team in Florida , Rough 's business interests not only brought him appalling bad luck but imposed a series of financial set-backs that were to affect him in the years to come .
3 And luck , a commodity the spirited teenager had never been short of , played a crucial part in the events that were to set her on the path to millions .
4 LUCKY BREAK : A young Joe shows the style that was to turn him into the world champ
5 At the beginning of September , 1715 , the mission left St. Petersburg on an incredible journey that was to take it from the shore of the Baltic Sea in the west , almost to the Pacific Ocean in the east , crossing the full width of European Russia , much of Siberia , Mongolia 's Gobi Desert and deep into China .
6 Those first six dancers had come to celebrate the newly awakened school of English classical dance that was establishing itself with the coming of peace .
7 The courage of Peter er after his denial is something that was given him by the Holy Spirit .
8 He jumped out of the van and pulled off a sack that was hiding something in the back of the truck .
9 Her voice faded as her body weakened and drooped , so that she seemed no more than the shadow of the eagle she must once have been , and a shadow that was losing itself in the darkness of a cage .
10 Alyssia hesitantly walked in , and almost immediately saw her friend by the cash register , looking with interest at a couple of oldish women who had put on some very garish dresses and were inspecting themselves in the mirror .
11 They had taken the area from the rebels and were defending it on the orders of General Kopyion .
12 At the front , though , they had taken them through the gate and were playing them on the windows of Hilda Machin 's sitting-room .
13 Nour had taken me by the shoulders and was pushing me towards the pool .
14 She 'd washed her hair and was drying it on the hessian towel .
15 Dad wasted no words and said that it was his bird in the box whereupon C … tried to brazen out the situation by saying he had found the cockbird in the garden and was taking it to the market in the morning .
16 At luncheon , Bradbury 's Alsatian dog was found to have retrieved a boot of a German airman and was chewing it under the table .
17 Flavia Sherman had elected to spend the day shopping on the Rue Catinat and was to join them for the first hunt next morning .
18 Then , with a nod in the direction of the railwaymen — ‘ Thanks for your assistance , and for holding up the train' — he had grabbed Shiona unceremoniously by the wrist and was dragging her towards the door .
19 She returned to the sitting room and struck Tam , who had knocked the bowl of biscuits from the table and was wolfing them off the carpet .
20 On the steps of the stadium someone had erected a red hammer-and-sickle flag and was waving it towards the crowd and the few media people present .
21 He 'd put some more money in the meter and was warming himself by the newly-lit fire .
22 The fourth man had abandoned their horses to his wounded companion and was launching himself into the fray .
23 Before she was aware of what he was doing , he had lifted her up and was carrying her to the bed , where he deposited her gently , like some priceless , fragile object .
24 Eisenhower , who was in the midst of his re-election campaign and was presenting himself to the American electorate as ‘ a man of peace ’ , failed to make clear to his British and French colleagues in the Atlantic Alliance the depth of his reluctance to countenance the use of force over an issue that was only important and not vital to US interests .
25 But when he looked back over his shoulder for help , Garvey too had descended his ladder and was following them into the nave .
26 He kept on , and it was worse because he 'd got hold of the helmet now and was smashing it against the toilet .
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