Example sentences of "[conj] [vb mod] [vb infin] [pers pn] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It is also what your collection people , sales people , delivery people and the grapevine tell you or should tell you about your customers .
2 You know you need some information , resource investigator can either give it to you because he 's got it or can find it for you .
3 Since her death he had never wanted to touch anything that might remind him of her .
4 But when it is discovered that a substance harms women 's reproductive health , women of childbearing age are usually kept from jobs that might expose them to it .
5 Congressmen are reluctant to make a defence cut that might pain them in their own districts .
6 ‘ He 's such a good striker with plenty of experience and ability that 'll help us in our drive for promotion . ’
7 Maybe you would have been safer if you 'd not chosen a career that could involve you with mine . ’
8 The women 's style was severe and more remote , protected by their teachers ' armour — as if there was nothing more to their lives that could connect them with ours .
9 ‘ If only they had n't scrapped the old grammar school , ’ muttered Dr Frome , and Pumfrey saw that he was beginning to erect in his mind a structure of excuses and evasions that would justify him to himself .
10 She felt that her heart would burst with the ache of love , and searched in her mind for words that would bind him to her and bring him back .
11 For if the student can retrieve an item by dialling a number , he still has to discover what number , and to conceptualize how he might arrive at the correct answer that would give it to him .
12 The first of these , initially expressed in the letter from Lord Selborne , Minister for Economic Warfare , to the Foreign Secretary , Anthony Eden , on 21 July 1944 , after the Cabinet decision on 17 July 1944 to hand back captured Russians if Soviet authorities requested [ KP 1 ] was the fear of many Russians of the fate that would await them on their return to the Soviet Union [ KP 2 ] .
13 They moved from cover to cover within the compound , advancing towards the rear of the battle , following the sounds that would lead them to their own side and to news of the day 's progress .
14 She had just stood there , scarcely able to breathe , and aware that only a hair 's breadth of control separated her from a fury that would shake her to her soul .
15 Frantically Brown scrabbled for the phone that would connect his with his Special Agent in Kensington .
16 He said it was the only thing that would get him through it . ’
17 She flounced into the bathroom , and then tried to think how to flounce out again in any way that would get her past his indispensable face and into the bloody lift .
18 President Yeltsin was also facing trouble from Russia 's supreme legislature , which was reported to be tabling a motion that would strip him of his emergency powers .
19 Small drawers , their lists of contents framed in brass on the front , stretched from floor to ceiling ; nails in any length ; screws ditto , tacks , washers , hinges , brackets ; all stacked and still , awaiting the request that would release them from their unemployment .
20 There 's so much that they could learn that would help them in their job .
21 Ah you see here 's somebody who 's writing about , you know , her part of the erm the interest on an er on erm and it says and provided you have no other income er that would take you over your personal allowance register for on the Inland Revenue form R eighty five , interest with no tax deductions .
22 Enigmatic , delicate and beautifully understated , this is a book that will draw you into its very heart .
23 Good afternoon , Celtic say that Lou Macari is expected in Scotland tomorrow to finalise the deal that will confirm him as their new manager .
24 And I myself , as er your course leader has indicated , I was on a course here myself some four weeks ago listening to the same subject , doing the physical exercises etcetera etcetera and listening and trying to take in , I wo n't say I did , trying to take in all the different aspects that will affect us in our er retirement years .
25 He enters me as fortress , I can only thank him from my battlements ; I am the pearl the knight must capture to win heaven and the drug that will detain him from his quest .
26 Maybe something will happen that will liberate me from your clutches , so I do n't have to produce your boring designs and do n't end up bankrupt paying your money back , either ! ’
27 This is a professional program that will keep you at your PC for hours .
28 And there is one particularly prescient episode , where a group of weavers attacks his house under the impression that he has invented a ‘ steam loom ’ that will rob them of their livelihood .
29 The children 's objective is to make sure that Samson survives , builds up experience and gathers items that will help him in his quest , and eventually enable him to complete his mission .
30 Colours , textures and patterns affect everyone differently so there are no hard and fast rules , but there are some guidelines that will help you with your choice .
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