Example sentences of "[conj] [vb mod] [verb] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Maxwell-Fyfe replied that virulent anti-Americanism was confined to a small minority , but he made the most of the opportunity to spell out the extent of British alarm over what the Americans were doing or might do in the Far East .
2 In other words , the Board of Trade could more or less control the Service , co-operating with other agencies when and where it thought necessary , although those LEAs which had or might have in the future statutory powers for dealing with juveniles were permitted to submit schemes for the exercise of these powers , provided they could obtain the permission of both Boards .
3 This case illustrates the sense of hopelessness that may develop in the unemployed , especially when finding a job appears to be in almost impossible task , and how this may create other problems , particularly when a major life event occurs , such as the break-up of an important relationship .
4 Closer examination of these studies shows a number of features that may help in the clinical management of these patients .
5 So we should not be dogmatic , and assume that the kind of life we have on Earth is the only kind that could exist in the entire Universe ; and ‘ living ’ clays may flourish elsewhere , perhaps even on Mars ( as suggested by Professor Hyman Hartman of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ) .
6 All the authorities have twenty eight days to appeal that could result in the final cap being higher , lower or staying the same .
7 So the parable envisages a situation that could arise in the early Church and advises that human judgment makes mistakes .
8 We can now deal with the main problems that could arise in the new community care system .
9 I thought of the Weddell Sea , the ice and the ghost of that Flying Dutchman , visualising the friction that could develop in the close confines of a yacht .
10 Will he contrast that excellent achievement under Conservative trade union law with the undoubted industrial chaos that would result in the unlikely event of the Labour party 's returning to government ?
11 The owners ' research problem was to get a light that would function in the methane-rich atmosphere of the ‘ crept ’ workings .
12 He devised a cheap lamp that would burn in the methane-rich atmosphere of the crept workings without instantly exploding .
13 Even extremists of the 1960s , who believed that the task of a school was to ensure that children enjoyed themselves while they were pupils , must have had in mind , as well , some further outcome , some advantage that would flow in the long run to the children who had been encouraged , under that regime , to ‘ grow ’ and ‘ blossom ’ and ‘ flourish ’ in the ‘ learning situation ’ provided by the class-room .
14 His brief , in short , was the owners ' brief — to build a lamp that would work in the methane-rich atmospheres that existed in crept workings .
15 The answers to these questions are discovered from the diagram ( given certain simple diagrammatic transformations carried out by the system , which are structurally analogous to changes that would happen in the real world ) , rather than being computed in terms of abstract mathematical equations and specific numerical values .
16 At the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944 the Allies came together in an attempt to design an international monetary system that would operate in the post-war period .
17 That just as you are making it possible to select conceptions that will result in the right sort of people , as you define them , and reject the potentially bad ones , so it would be possible to reject the good and retain the bad .
18 Er and and on all counts the necessity for bringing forward this policy , given the existing controls that exists , given the controls that will exist in the normal operation of the development plan system , development plan lead system should I say , erm mean that that this policy is totally unnecessary .
19 The trick will be to turn his good intentions into policies that will work in the real world .
20 ‘ Why should n't the people of Coventry enjoy their football and support a winning team that can finish in the top six at least ? ’
21 These findings , with the clinical risk study , might form a reasonable explanation for our 5 positive samples , and raise new insights that the CSF AChE-AD may not be specific for AD and may participate in the long biochemical and pathological abnormality of not only AD but also organic dementia .
22 If he moves into an enemy then he is engaged in hand-to-hand combat and must fight in the following hand-to-hand combat round ( he counts as charging in the first round as is also the case with magically induced movement ) .
23 If one was punctual and could pay in the long run , why incur the debt at all ?
24 Even though the beef industry is taken aback by the sudden jump in prices , the general opinion is that they will stick until at least July — and could harden in the long term if CAP reform and a further round of milk quotas push down breeding numbers .
25 But , read the chapter this way or that , if there was ever a case for recognising that unions have a right to share in the management of companies , that case depended critically upon a general expectation — amounting to a near-certainty — that , rather than give primacy to their sectional interests , unions would and could act in the general interest whenever it was necessary or desirable for them to do so .
26 Over the following days , however , I came to learn not to be surprised by such remarks from my employer , and would smile in the correct manner whenever I detected the bantering tone in his voice .
27 And his widow shall pay relief and shall remain in the said tenement undisturbed , doing the services .
28 Until the specialty and , more importantly , the college recognise the value of an academic career and are willing to regard academics as equals , academic obstetrics and gynaecology will be an unpopular choice and will remain in the scientific shadow of medicine and surgery .
29 Sabrita , who has had some useful outings this year is also entered in the Hunt Race but may go in the Open where she meets Fardross , a winner at Enniskillen .
30 This fuel is more expensive to manufacture but could compete in the domestic market where there is a shortage of anthracite .
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