Example sentences of "[conj] [subord] i [modal v] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ No , just trying to decide whether I should take you riding in a horse-drawn carriage through Dyrhaven tomorrow , or whether I should spend the whole day making love to you . ’
2 In the end I agreed to do this but I remember leaving the meeting literally , I am afraid , in tears and saying that although I would obey the majority I would resign from the Government afterwards as quietly as I could because I should have failed to uphold an almost lifelong conviction …
3 The instruments those guys use are completely different from guitar and I knew that if I could emulate the phrasing of those instruments then I would be breaking new ground instead of just playing the rock phrases that everybody knows .
4 next door did n't really bother me , cos once I 'd shut the door , shut the doors , it was , there was hardly any noise , but then erm the guy that had got the place , he was n't living there , lent it out to somebody else , blues , and they moved them u upstairs as well .
5 Okey-doke And you 'll leave your compositions with me and I will look up , and if I can get the marks before then as I probably will I 'll let you have them back .
6 ‘ They usually come up with a couple of lesser-known names , and if I can keep the runs coming I like to think I might at least get a mention . ’
7 And if I can read the other doctor 's handwriting .
8 And if I could enjoy the dream , how much easier for those who were born in Israel or Lebanon or Palestine — or for those who wished to live in the land that was Palestine — to believe in it .
9 We can all think of the favourites , and if I could get the Pope , Frank Sinatra and the Queen I 'd book them tomorrow .
10 Erm because the report is er quite a long report mainly the er part of the report erm I will pick out the most important comments and if I could take the first part of the report first erm this concerns a new staffing structure between er , newly emerged welfare rights and advice service .
11 Will it help Barry if if I can use the same to actually ask him if ?
12 And before I could resolve the problem I was struggling up in bed , in the pitch blackness , reaching for the shrilling telephone .
13 Within minutes the car was free , and before I could thank the young farmer I 'd been invited back for a cup of tea and some hot broth .
14 ‘ I 'll take my coach , Mr Wood , ’ he announced , ‘ but if I could leave the plate and linen here I shall be obliged to you .
15 But before I could phrase the right remark , the question that would show her I saw no reason why in Conchis 's absence she should maintain the pretending to believe , she stood up .
16 I drank my coffee and listened while you talked about the Government 's commitment to looking at the quality of life you should be working towards for our people ( or that we should be working towards for your people — I am not quite sure whether your use of the words ‘ we ’ and ‘ our ’ included me or not ) ; but before I could raise the questions that remained in my mind from the night before — let alone my new uncertainty as to what exactly was meant by the expression ‘ the quality of life ’ — a young man had come in and murmured something to you about ‘ the Governor ’ and ‘ the Bank ’ .
17 But before I can begin the calculations , a shadow blocks the light .
18 Well actually I 'd , I would know how to do it , but whether I 'd have the tools on me or not , just jack it up on one of them thingies
19 Erm well leave , leave me alone while till I can get the er
20 It must have looked at one time as though I 'd follow the family tradition and end up permanently on a farm .
21 ‘ My name is Deacon Billingsley — ’ he paused as though I should recognise the name , ‘ and I am a police officer . ’
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