Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] [pron] down on the " in BNC.

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1 He began to speak out loud over the sound of the copious running water ; he congratulated himself for not crying in public , he congratulated himself for not getting hurt , for not letting himself be assaulted on the way home , for not letting anyone corner him or get him down on the floor or up against a wall but for keeping walking instead .
2 I took out the 8000 and put them down on the table .
3 The boy came in through the back carrying Russell 's blanket roll and carbine and put them down on the passenger bench .
4 The boy carried me in my travelling box , and put me down on the beach , while he looked for birds ' eggs among the rocks .
5 She took hold of it and put it down on the floor .
6 Carew folded the paper and put it down on the cluttered tray beside him .
7 From one of the voluminous pockets he produced a bottle of Scotch and put it down on the table .
8 Picking up the drinks , she crossed the room and set them down on the trestle , careful to keep her face turned away from the window .
9 She waited until the first few bars of the signature tune started to play , then unclipped her headphones and set them down on the desk with a sharp clatter before starting to gather up the stack of notes .
10 Quietly , humbly , Cameron took off his headset and set it down on the floor .
11 I carried a tray across and set it down on the table in the window .
12 He emptied his cup and set it down on the table .
13 Taking a cooking bowl from the side he part filled it from the water jar and set it down on the ring .
14 Curval took out the slide — it seemed not as carefully as before — and set it down on the table beside him .
15 The , they really convert bibles for doing that is because I 've always done that of er right that 's , that 's out of the way , jump the paperwork , now what about talking about your clubs and that t to sort of close down the call and relax the client for getting into referral mode and I 've always done it tail end on so the introduction to the referral is at the beginning and perhaps looking for them during i is totally unfamiliar , I mean I do note the odd thing as I go through and note them down on the , the but I 'd never been used to actually although we were told referrals how and why that went with it .
16 As I considered whether to smash her and throw her down on the mountainside , I caught her scent .
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